Beginners question, confused between real bank accounts and gnucash accounts

Nicolas Severyns nicolasseveryns at
Thu Mar 24 13:35:34 EDT 2016

In my account setup, I have a private checking account and a business
checking account. Monthly, I transfer my salary from my business
checking account into my private checking account. (in reality).

I enter this transaction into Gnucash, as a transfer between private
and business checking accounts, with description 'salary'.

But I also have an Income:Salary account. How should I use that account? If
Should create a new booking on my private checking account, sending the
money I received
from my business checking account to this Income:Salary account?

If I do that, the checkings account bookings would not reflect my bank

I think I am confusing things, but I don't understand what exactly.

Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Nicolas Severyns

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