GnuCash Not Happy With External File Renaming

Maf. King maf at
Mon May 2 01:11:53 EDT 2016

On Sunday, 1 May 2016 22:07:58 BST Mike or Penny Novack wrote:

> Remember, gnucash will present you with a list of the last four, so
> unless you are keeping more than four it's just a matter of selecting
> from that menu.

Hi Mike,

on linux, the number of files in the "recently opened" list can be adjusted 
with a single command - not sure if there's an upper limit, but it might be 
10, as there are 10 keys for to hold filenames!

gsettings set org.gnucash.history maxfiles 8

presume that Mac might be similar, no idea how that would go on Windows.


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