How do I take delivery of stock certificates? (Not a brokerage question.)

Jean-David Beyer jeandavid8 at
Mon May 2 20:07:46 EDT 2016

On 04/30/2016 07:11 PM, Wm wrote:
>> > I especially think this should be the case because the way I got GnuCash
>> > to do this was to fake a sale of the shares and a purchase of new
>> > shares. Thus, the cost basis should have been the price of the shares I
>> > "bought."
> I may be misunderstanding but I'd expect the price of the new 
> holding to be the same (allowing for costs) as the selling price of 
> the old holding.
> To clarify if you (on the same day or very close to the same day)
> Sell 10 Widget PLC @ 100
> and
> Buy 10 Widget PLC @ 100
> how is the cost basis wrong?
> An example might help, no need to use real money amounts, etc, 
> we're not interested in that.

Here is the example:

In 1996 I bought three shares of XXX for $32,000 each in an IRA (tax
deferred account.

When a Roth IRA became available, I had the broker roll over those three
shares into the Roth IRA, and I paid the required capital gains tax. Now
a Roth-IRA is not taxible, so it does not really matter much what
GnuCash thought the cost basis then was.

Then a couple of years ago, I took those shares out of the Roth IRA and
put them in the safe deposit box. Let us say they were $200,000 each on
that day.

I could not make GnuCash do a transfer from my Roth IRA to my safe
deposit box (made like just another brokerage account). So I told
Gnucash that I sold the shares at $200,000 and bought 3 shares at
$200,000 for the safe deposit box account. And everything looks fine
unless I run a balance sheet that says the cost basis of those shares in
the safe deposit box account is $32,000 each, when it should be
$200,000. Unless it thinks this was a wash sale or something.
> I think the crux at the moment is this
> ===
> Now if I do a balance sheet, it uses the original cost basis of 
> these shares, but it is way way off.
> ===
> if it is "way way off" it is because you've told it so.  It isn't 
> obvious to me what you've used as the transfer value. Have you 
> perhaps used the original (long ago) purchase values?

Sorry that it was not obvious. I surely did use the right transfer value
in the new account. If I look at that account, it gives the correct
purchase price. But the balance sheet does not.

  .~.  Jean-David Beyer          Registered Linux User 85642.
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