How do I take delivery of stock certificates? (Not a brokerage question.)

Wm tcnw81 at
Tue May 3 17:17:20 EDT 2016

In article <5727EBD2.8000104 at>
Jean-David Beyer <jeandavid8 at> wrote:
> On 04/30/2016 07:11 PM, Wm wrote:
> >> > I especially think this should be the case because the way I got GnuCash
> >> > to do this was to fake a sale of the shares and a purchase of new
> >> > shares. Thus, the cost basis should have been the price of the shares I
> >> > "bought."
> > I may be misunderstanding but I'd expect the price of the new
> > holding to be the same (allowing for costs) as the selling price of
> > the old holding.
> >
> > To clarify if you (on the same day or very close to the same day)
> > Sell 10 Widget PLC @ 100
> > and
> > Buy 10 Widget PLC @ 100
> >
> > how is the cost basis wrong?
> >
> > An example might help, no need to use real money amounts, etc,
> > we're not interested in that.
> Here is the example:
> In 1996 I bought three shares of XXX for $32,000 each in an IRA (tax
> deferred account.
> When a Roth IRA became available, I had the broker roll over those three
> shares into the Roth IRA, and I paid the required capital gains tax. Now
> a Roth-IRA is not taxible, so it does not really matter much what
> GnuCash thought the cost basis then was.
> Then a couple of years ago, I took those shares out of the Roth IRA and
> put them in the safe deposit box. Let us say they were $200,000 each on
> that day.
> I could not make GnuCash do a transfer from my Roth IRA to my safe
> deposit box (made like just another brokerage account). So I told
> Gnucash that I sold the shares at $200,000 and bought 3 shares at
> $200,000 for the safe deposit box account. And everything looks fine
> unless I run a balance sheet that says the cost basis of those shares in
> the safe deposit box account is $32,000 each, when it should be
> $200,000. Unless it thinks this was a wash sale or something.
> >
> > I think the crux at the moment is this
> > ===
> > Now if I do a balance sheet, it uses the original cost basis of
> > these shares, but it is way way off.
> > ===
> > if it is "way way off" it is because you've told it so.  It isn't
> > obvious to me what you've used as the transfer value. Have you
> > perhaps used the original (long ago) purchase values?
> >
> Sorry that it was not obvious. I surely did use the right transfer value
> in the new account. If I look at that account, it gives the correct
> purchase price. But the balance sheet does not.

No, no.  Perhaps it should be me (or us) saying sorry, though I 
also suspect something may have been lost in translation.

If you look at Tools / Security Editor do the shares appear more 
than once or once only?

If you look at Tools / Price Editor do the shares have accurate


entries on or around the dates you made significant transfers?

These should be close to market values aat the time for most 
purposes rather than transfer values which could be weird for many 

Having checked that, open up a balance sheet (try both and see 
which suits your example better) and look at what you have for
Price Source
and (obviously)
Date (it is a balance sheet so must have that)
and tick (or check or whatever it is in your home language)
the boxes that Show Currencies and Show Exchange Rates and so on 
and look at what is shown.

Apart from including stuff in the report
the right Price Source in conjunction with having prices close to 
the times of significant transactions may be the clue to your 

Also: generally you want your price db to reflect the outside world 
and your transactions to reflect the actual values as pereived by 
you.  This is a generalisation, I am pointing out that if you or 
someone else makes a transfer of 10 stock @ 20 when the market 
price was 10 for tax reasons, you don't normally want those prices 
in your price db as they aren't what the world at large knew and so 
aren't useful for valuation.

Let us know how this works out.  If I am right about the price 
source and wrong values in the price db you will get more help 
easily as the main problem will be solved.


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