How do TURN OFF: double clicking transaction DURING RECONCILE goes to split ledger

Maf. King maf at
Tue May 3 04:28:36 EDT 2016

On Tuesday, 3 May 2016 00:43:09 BST ed65love wrote:

> When I reconcile and double click a transaction, even though I already
> have the account open, it opens ANOTHER window, appending a + symbol to
> the window name. It also splits EVERY transaction, even those without a
> split. i.e a single account from/to.

FWIW,  I used to see that behaviour in 2.4.x (only upgraded to 2.6.11 during 
this year)  Having just tested in a couple of accounts, I'm not seeing a new 
tab with the +   But I do have my view set to auto-split by default in the 
data file I just tried it with. 

OpenSuSE Leap 42.1, GC 2.6.11


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