How To Open the Checkbook Style Register

donald muir titanium.donald at
Tue May 17 17:56:15 EDT 2016

Colin . Thanks . That's very helpful . Now I'm off and running and all my transactions are being properly allocated . I'll figure out later how to produce a monthly income statement  once I've entered 4/5 months transaction data . Thanks again . Donald 

> On 17 May 2016, at 21:39, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>> On 17 May 2016 at 18:41, donald muir <titanium.donald at> wrote:
>> Derek . Thanks . I understand now I must enter the account name in the transfer column . Now I have another dilemma . I set up all my accounts last week without the account codes so now I have the account hierarchy I want . The transfer column is not recognising the accounts I have already set up as they have no codes . How do I assign codes to all accounts already set up so that when I put an entry in the transfer column it will pick up the pre existing account as at the moment it doesn't . Thanks Donald
> What do you mean by "codes".  You can just start typing to enter the
> account name (eg Expenses:Fuel), or you can click the the little
> square at the end of the field to give a drop down list of accounts.
> If you type a few letter, such as Exp and then hit : it will fill in
> the rest of the word for you.
> Colin
>>> On 17 May 2016, at 16:03, Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> wrote:
>>> donald muir <titanium.donald at> writes:
>>>> David . Thanks . I tried that but the other side of the entry is not
>>>> going to the account eg cheque for repairs should be a debit to
>>>> repairs expenses and a credit to the bank account . How do I sort out
>>>> the double entry when the transaction is booked ? Thanks Donald
>>> Make sure you enter it into the Transfer column.
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>>>      Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
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