Problem printing checks

Isaac Wingfield isw at
Sat May 21 00:05:27 EDT 2016

On May 20, 2016, at 8:55 PM, David Reiser <dbreiser at> wrote:

>> On May 20, 2016, at 11:37 PM, Isaac Wingfield <isw at> wrote:
>> On May 20, 2016, at 6:56 PM, David Reiser <dbreiser at> wrote:
>>> What’s “way too low”?
>> The third check prints about where a fourth would be, if there were four checks on the page.
>>> And is the second check half that much too low?
>> No. The second check is properly placed.
>>> If you find the quicken_wallet.chk file, open it with a text editor, modify the Height = 204.0 line, you’ll change the ‘gap’ between first, second, and third checks. I found that setting Height = 200.0 gives me much better results on the third check than the default 204.0.
>> I did that to get checks 1 and 2 properly positioned. Check 3 is way too low.
> That’s way more pathological than anything I’ve seen. Sounds like somehow the page layout has created an additional grid.

That's what I think too. But I don't know where it is located, or how to fix it if I could find it.

> Any other changes to the .chk file? Still have only one Height line?

No, and yes. I did a lot of jiggering around with the .chk file, to get the data to align well with the pre-printed checks, so I'm pretty familiar with what's in it.

FWIW, my "fix" is to print the first two checks on a three-check sheet and then change to another .chk file and run the sheet through again to print the third check *as check #1* with a large value for "Translation" to position it where the third check is located on the page. Works, but requires two printer passes, which makes it error-prone.

That does tell me (I think) that the actual problem is in the routine that figures out where the third check goes. That might also explain the offset second grid, too ...


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