
Dustin Henning The00Dustin at gmx.com
Wed May 25 10:31:23 EDT 2016

The system makes a new log file every time it runs and/or saves.  The 
system also backs up the previous save file each time it makes a new 
save.  In my experience on Windows, it deletes older backups and logs 
when it saves once a certain quantity or age is exceeded (I'm not sure 
on the specifics).  You could deal with this by moving your main file to 
a special location (a such as a GnuCash folder on your desktop or in 
your documents) so that you don't have to see all of the files.  It may 
also be possible to change the behavior in settings, but you'd have to 
refer to documentation or wait for a more knowledgeable response if that 
was your preference.

On 5/25/2016 10:19 AM, Jacqueline Greenleaf wrote:
> New user here, I don’t know whether the behavior I’m seeing is a bug or something I’m doing wrong.
> I set up a new file, storing it on my desktop, and starting working with it. Every time I manually save, I wind up with a new gnucash icon/file on my desktop, plus some assorted text dos with the extensions .log and .lck scattered around.
> Is this expected behavior? Does the program really expect me to, every time I manually save, to manually delete the older icons? What about the assorted text files?
> I’m running the latest stable version of gnucash on a MacBook Air running the latest OS X.
> Thanks for your help!
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