Advance portfolio

Mike Alexander mta at
Sun May 29 18:15:55 EDT 2016

> On May 29, 2016, at 5:07 PM, Cam Ellison <cam at> wrote:
> If you have stocks in more than one currency, you can expect at least some to display incorrectly, even though the Accounts display is correct.  The Advanced Portfolio report appears to assume that every entry uses the locale currency setting.  To get a more accurate picture you'll have to download the report into a spreadsheet and use the price last recorded for each currency.

I don’t think that is entirely correct.  It’s quite possible that there are bugs in this area, but the report certainly tries to handle this case.  You can set the report currency in the options and if you have exchange rates between the currencies used tin stock trnasactionis and this currency things should work ok.  I don’t do this myself, but I have some small test files that exercise this option and they work fine.  I can imagine that there are cases that don’t work, but I don’t think it is fundamentally broken.


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