Mac OS - Font Change Question/Help Requested

Mick Hartzell mick.hartzell at
Tue Nov 22 10:57:22 EST 2016

I have followed the instructions in the FAQ for changing the UI font 
size(several times), however, I cannot seem to get it to apply.  Does 
anyone have suggestions on alternatives, error tracking, et cetera?

    Q: How get I rid of strange unreadable characters or adjust the font
    A: You need a font in which the respective characters are defined.
    Your system tools usually offer some font viewer to test them. Then
    adjust the fonts for
    GnuCash reports: under Edit->Stylesheets adjust them for all your
    used stylesheets.
    GnuCash user interface: You need to adjust the GTK settings:
    Linux: The easiest way is to use the Gnome Control Center.
    MacOs: Create a plain text file in your home folder (~ is unix
    shorthand for your home folder):
    X Window version: ~/.gtkrc-2.0
    native version: ~/.gtkrc-2.0.gnucash
    with the following contents:

    style "font"
       font_name = "Arial Narrow 12"
    widget_class "*" style "font"
    gtk-font-name = "Arial Narrow 12”

    Substitute any font in FontBook for “Arial Narrow 12”.
    TextEdit will work for creating or changing this file. Be sure to
    use Format>Make Plain Text and uncheck Edit>Substitutions>Smart
    Quotes before you start typing.


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