What does "Update and Reconcile" update?

David Carlson david.carlson.417 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 10 18:24:17 EST 2017

I always save the file just before importing so I can just close without
saving after an import if I don't like the result.

My experience has been that the U+R function in GnuCash adds something
either to the Description or to the Notes line besides changing the date
and possibly even the amount by a few cents in some cases, especially if it
is matching to the wrong transaction.  It may vary depending on what your
bank likes to put in to their data.

Because I am paranoid about matching to the wrong transaction I always
check that, correct the transfer account if it is incorrect and then either
use the Add or the Reconcile option.

David C

On Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 10:57 AM, Donald Pellegrino <
donald.a.pellegrino at gmail.com> wrote:

> When importing transactions, the "Generic import transaction matcher"
> dialog provides "A," "U+R," and "R" columns. These columns each contain
> check-marks but are mutually exclusive in their selection. It is not clear
> to me which fields of the transaction will be changed, and in which ways,
> when "U+R" (Update and Reconcile) is selected instead of just "R"
> (Reconcile).
> For reference, I found an old post discussing the topic at
> https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2011-November/042039.html
> .
> However, I was unable to find a definitive documentation of the full
> process. As with the author of that old post, I am nervous to lose the
> Description content that I have entered.
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