unreconcile multiple transactions

frozenjim james at whitehousenorth.com
Thu Dec 14 10:05:29 EST 2017

While there is no "SIMPLE" way to un-reconcile an entire account, I have had
to do this once or twice in the past and have found what I believe is the
easiest way:
Open Account Journal   
Open Search Dialog (CTRL-F)   
Search for ALL of these conditions:      
Reconcile : IS : Reconciled         
Account : Matches Any Account : (enter your account)            
Save the Search   
Manually clear your reconciled entries:      
Move to the first reconciled entry         
CONFIRM you are on the line for your account (i.e. the bank account, not the
Click on the "Y" in the reconciled column of the first transaction         
Entry vanishes from search and mouse is moved to the NEXT entry         
Repeat until there are no entries left      
This is still time consuming - and you get hypnotized pretty fast so stay
alert - but it is the simplest and least risky method I have come up with.

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