import transactions from CSV with mutiple accounts

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Sat Dec 30 11:03:13 EST 2017

Op zaterdag 30 december 2017 16:20:53 CET schreef Paul Neuwirth:
> Hi List,
> I hope someone can give me a hint. Is it a bug of the importer or am I
> doing something wrong? Or is there a tool which converts csv to qif or
> other advanced format?
> I have a CSV file with transactions of different bank accounts (ca. 12
> bank accounts, export from banking software moneyplex).
> If I import csv files with only transactions of one account, gnucash
> selects (automatically) the correct account (slot 'online-id' of
> account is identically to account number in csv).
> But if I do import transactions belonging to different accounts, all
> transactions are being imported into the account of the first line in
> the csv.
> This does not make any sense for me, as you can select account as a
> column...
> It would be quiet unconvinient to do seperate imports for every account.
> On the other side (moneyplex) does have advanced export functions, but
> not for transactions of multiple accounts (therefor only search
> results can be exported to csv or xml)..

Hi Paul,

I don't think the csv importer was designed with your use case in mind. I 
believe it was written to import transactions one bank account at the time.

So for the 2.6 series unfortunately you will have to live with this 
limitation. There are some tools floating around on the net for converting csv 
files to qif, or more exactly LibreOffice Calc to qif or Excel to qif (but 
both applications should be able to open csv files just fine).

For gnucash 3.0 (to be released in a couple of months) the csv importer has 
been rewritten and the new one should be able to handle csv files in your 
format just fine.



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