Processing accounts payable

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Wed Feb 8 12:47:02 EST 2017

Op woensdag 8 februari 2017 09:10:17 CET schreef Rich Shepard:
> On Wed, 8 Feb 2017, Geert Janssens wrote:
> > Did you post all the invoices ? I don't think you can pay unposted
> > invoices
> > (though you could enter pre-payments).
> Geert,
>    While I cannot be certain of each step, I recall adding a new vendor,
> then adding an invoice. When I finished I went back and posted each
> invoice.
>    When I went to pay the invoices I looked at the A/P aging report and saw
> that two of the three vendors showed they had been paid.
>    If there's a way to unwind all this I'll do that and start over. This
> will probably be the quickest and cleanest way to correct invoices and
> accounts payable.
>    Because I need to put checks in the mail today I used my former
> bookkeeping software to enter A/P invoices and pay them by printing checks.
> Then I returned to GnuCash and in my checking account I entered the check
> number, vendor name, and amount paid to the A/P account in Liabilities.
My previous message also contained the steps to unwind: delete all 
transactions from your A/P account. I guess my description was a bit terse.

I also mentioned you can't delete transactions generated from an invoice. They 
are under control of the business code. But that doesn't matter. I'm pretty 
sure it's not those that are wrong.

Just delete all non-invoice transactions and you should be able to make a 
fresh start.



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