Search function of mailing list not working?

BrianA_MN bvamundsen at
Fri Feb 10 23:39:27 EST 2017

New subscriber. I'm getting a 404 on the
gnnucash-user subscribe page when attempting a search.  Is this as
intended or a broken link? 
I want to search the archives for information on the COGS account setup
for a small sole proprietor retail business. I'm not able to get it to
apply the US 1040 Schedule C Cost of Goods tax related setting against
the account for goods sold in the year.  I've had to instead simply mark
it as "none" so it at least prints out in the tax report. Any
suggestions on why? Using stable 2.6.15, US Currency. COGS is and
expense account with frieght-in and sold inventory and "Inventory" is an
Asset account with current inventory and transferred to COGS-sold

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