What purpose is served by the Account Code field?

Ken Heard kenslists at teksavvy.com
Sat Feb 18 07:57:46 EST 2017

Hash: SHA1

On 2017-02-18 19:10, David T. wrote:

> I don’t believe there are settings specific to your requests.

I was afraid of that.

> With regard to the first, however, I have heard from others that
> you can work around this by including the account code as part of
> the account name, e.g., “1000. Assets.” Then you can use quickfill
> to rapidly drill down through the hierarchy.

Yes that is one work-around.  Another is to reverse the roles of the
Account Code and the Account Name; put only the code in the latter and
only the name in the former.  The real question however is what is the
purpose of the Account Code field if not to be an alternative way to
select accounts in the register?

Is there any developer out there who can answer that question?  I
changed the name is this post in the hopes of attracting one.

> As for the second, you might use a report to get the list formatted
> the way you want. I don’t think the Chart of Accounts allows the
> changes you’re describing.

Since my original post I discovered that the left most column in the
accounts window -- whatever it may be -- is always a tree.  So if for
example the placeholder column is placed there it will be a tree, but
the account name column will not be.

Anyhow thanks for the reply; my ignorance of GnuCash is consequently

Regards, Ken Heard

Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)


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