saved to a SQL server, now it won't load it

George Riner georgeriner at
Sat Feb 18 19:31:32 EST 2017

I setup a SQL server on my Synology NAS box. It's their MariaDB 
implementation of MySQL. I then did a Save as... to a new database on 
that server. The save appears to have worked.  I can login to the server 
through the MyPHPadmin tool and see that the database now has the 
expected tables and that the 'transactions' table has ~38,000 records in 
it - which is about right. I can look in the tables and see my 
transactions - they look like they are there.

So... I restart GnuCash, open up my books from the SQL server and ... 
all the accounts are empty! No errors are shown in Gnucash.

I have to enter my login and password to get to the SQL server on the 
NAS, and I've given myself all the permissions on that Gnucash 
database.  So... why does nothing load in? I can still see all the 
tables with all their data in them. (I haven't edited any values 
directly in the tables, so I'm really sure I haven't broken anything by 
manually fiddling around in the db.)


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