Odd Register Problem
David T.
sunfish62 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 14 00:10:06 EST 2017
Just to be clear: there is only one *transaction* in your example. That transaction has multiple *splits* assigned to the same income account, and because of this, the transaction repeats in the register in Basic view—once for each split in the account.
I assume that when you said “empty placeholder transactions” you meant “empty placeholder splits”—and that you plan to delete just the splits.
And further: note that the Delete function has a “Delete Transaction” mode, and a “Delete Split” mode. When you are in a transaction-level field (e.g., Date or Description), Delete will remove the entire transaction. When you are in a particular split, the Delete button will delete just that split.
The early chapters in the Guide provide explanations on terminology, as well as this display issue; I don’t recall right now where those notes are.
> On Jan 14, 2017, at 9:19 AM, Fross, Michael <michael at fross.org> wrote:
> Thank you Derek. Makes perfect sense (now.) I can clean up the empty
> placeholder transactions that must have imported and clean it up.
> Thank you very much.
> Michael
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 9:38 PM, Derek Atkins <derek at ihtfp.com> wrote:
>> This means you have a split transaction with 3 splits into the same
>> account. In default views you see each split separately. In journal mode
>> you see transactions, which is why the difference. This also explains why
>> duplicating gives you three new lines, and why all 3 disappear when you
>> delete the transaction.
>> -derek
>> Sent from my mobile device. Please excuse any typos.
>> ----- Reply message -----
>> From: "Fross, Michael" <michael at fross.org>
>> To: <gnucash-user at gnucash.org>
>> Subject: Odd Register Problem
>> Date: Fri, Jan 13, 2017 10:16 PM
>> Hello all,
>> I've been using GNUCash (currently v2.6.15) happily for about a year, but I
>> just noticed something odd.
>> In looking at my Income:Salary account where my paychecks go. These
>> transactions have many splits for insurance, taxes, etc. I noticed that
>> there are about 10 transactions early in the account that were imported
>> from quicken that take up three lines in the register. The math is correct
>> as the "income" column is only populated on the first one. The splits are
>> all identical for each one. The math is all correct.
>> Looking at the Basic and Auto-Split views shows this. Looking at the
>> Transaction Journal view shows just the one transaction.
>> If I jump to some of the accounts in the split, there is only one
>> transaction on 11/06/2015 in those accounts.
>> Performing a duplicate transaction adds three new rows. Deleting one of
>> the three deletes all three. This occurs in Windows 10 or Ubuntu. I've
>> not noticed this in any other account although I have not looked at all of
>> them.
>> I assume there was an issue during import, but I have no idea how to fix
>> it. I've attached a screenshot but not sure how helpful it will be. The
>> 1st is the basic register view. The second is the transaction journal view
>> that shows there is only one listed for 11/06/2016.
>> Has anyone else see something like this?
>> Thanks for the help. It doesn't seem to be breaking anything, but I'm not
>> one to leave well enough alone....
>> Michael
>> [image: Inline image 11]
>> [image: Inline image 12]
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