Backend problem

GatwickDP gatwickdp at
Sun Jan 22 17:48:23 EST 2017

the gnucash files that are on the win10 machine and then on the ubantu machine open up gnucash and attempt to open the files on the win10 machine- we get the bankend error message.

This does not happen on any other ubantu machine or on a winxp machine. Purely as a test, I installed gnucash on the win 10 machine and opened the files that had been stored on the win 10 machine - just to see if they were corrupt or any such thing and they opened fine. I also ran the gnucash from win 10 and opened files that were on the ubantu machine and thus the only problem is getting the silly back-end message when opening the gnucash program on ubantu and then trying to run the files that are stored on win10.

--- clanlaw at wrote:

From: Colin Law <clanlaw at>
To: gatwickdp at
Cc: "gnucash-user at" <gnucash-user at>
Subject: Re: Backend problem
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2017 21:13:16 +0000

On 22 January 2017 at 20:24, GatwickDP <gatwickdp at> wrote:
>    Here is the situation. Have Ubantu/32 box. Backup a number a files to
>    make a mirror each day.
>    One of the folders is Gnucash with all the files and databases in
>    single folder. Works fine on local machine, can open program  and mount
>    another computer (Ubantu) and go to data files there and Gnucash works
>    fine. Works fine with all versions we are using of Ubantu and a Win XP
>    machine.
>    Problem is when we created the exact same folder structure and put it
>    on a Win 10 Pro 64  creating proper sharing/security structure on Win
>    10 machine- when we  attempt to open Gnucash and we get the "no
>    suitable backend" error.

I don't fully understand what you mean by that. Where are you running
Gnucash in the above situation? I assumed you meant you had installed
GC on the Win machine, but then in the first sentence below you say
that if you install GC on the Win machine it works ok.

Please clarify exactly what is the situation that does not work.


> However when installing on the same win 10
>    machine a Gnucash program the files in the same folder open fine.
>    Further we can use the win 10 program and map/mount a drive from one of
>    the Ubantu boxes and it opens fine.
>     All other files On Win 10, such as excel or word will open under Libra
>    office quite fine from the ubantu box.
>    What are we missing and what gives?
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