Mortgage/Loan Scheduled Transaction Way Off

John Ralls jralls at
Mon Jul 10 23:46:44 EDT 2017

> On Jul 10, 2017, at 2:23 PM, ITWarrior <chipwiz.ben at> wrote:
> Thank you both for your replies.
> I've tried setting the "Month's Remaining" value to 782, but nothing changes
> at all as though this field is completely ignored. I don't see anywhere else
> where I could set the payment frequency other than in the Repayment
> Frequency section which does set the /payment frequency/ correctly but the
> /payment value/ wrong as in the earlier screenshot. It's as though there's a
> hard-coded monthly figure set that's not tied to the defined repayment
> frequency. That is, changing the repayment frequency seems to only change
> the transaction dates, not the transactions values.
> Would you recommend I raise this as a bug, or is there somewhere I can
> correct this 'under the hood' that you're aware of?

It’s a bug, so please file one. Something is broken in the payment logic, it uses the same payment amount regardless of what one sets in the repayment box..

You could fudge it by saying that it’s a 720-month loan for 2.295%/year and you’d get close, but that’s not really the right answer.

John Ralls

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