Reconciling an account

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Tue Jun 6 08:26:22 EDT 2017

On 6/5/2017 8:08 PM, EngineInstitute wrote:
> Colin,

>   When this happens it should be a cake walk right? Not for me.
> I check off all of the credits and debits and compare their totals
> (reflected on the bottom) with the statement and everything is in order yet
> I am faced with a difference of $195.14. This is definitely not correct.
> Have I found a bug?
> -----
> China Blue
> --
This is why I keep referring to "the old way, pen and ink on paper". If 
you have no experience doing that (solving discrepancies during hand 
reconciliation) it will be hard to find the problem. No, almost 
certainly not a bug.

It is what you DON'T say that is important. For example, I am not seeing 
you say "and there is no transaction with amount $195.14 or amount 
$97.57 and $195.14 is not divisible by 9" << the first would be a 
transaction not recorded or a date difference, the second a transaction 
recorded on the wrong side, and the third a digit transposition >>

However -- since you are using the tool other people should be helping 
you << I lack access to private/secure broadband and so reconcile more 
like the old fashioned way --- all the organizations for which I keep 
books are low volume, typically less than a dozen checks plus deposits a 
month, so not hard by hand >>

Michael D Novack

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