Transaction Journal View - blank "Memo" instead of Description
Adrien Monteleone
adrien.monteleone at
Sun Jun 11 01:13:58 EDT 2017
> On Jun 10, 2017, at 9:44 PM, Waitman Gobble <waitman at> wrote:
> On 2017-06-10 17:54, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>>> On Jun 10, 2017, at 4:30 PM, Waitman Gobble <waitman at> wrote:
>>> Thanks. It appears top posting is preferred here?
>>> For example, what I see for one invoice in Transaction Journal View.
>>> 19/04/2017 3461 UjENA USA 3255.24
>>> Invoice housecln 300.00
>>> Invoice util 578.00
>>> Invoice office 50.00
>>> Invoice office 250.00
>>> Invoice office 2077.24
>>> I can see the account name, but "Memo" is blank. When I open the invoice I can see the descriptions, but I do not see a "Memo" or "Note" field for each line item. There is a note field for the entire invoice.
>> Invoices posted using the business features are a bit different than normal transactions entered into a register.
>> In the above sample, the memo field is between "Invoice" and the account name. You can type something in here if you like.
>> When viewing the invoice, each line item has a description, this is different from the description of register transactions. (which is filled in with the customer/company name for invoices/bills)
>> If you uncheck the "Accumulate Splits?" box when posting, you will see those descriptions from the invoice posted as the memo for each split line in the AR/AP register. When "Accumulate Splits?" is checked (the default) this field will be left blank because you'd have multiple descriptions writing over themselves or GC would have to choose which one to use. I suppose it could concatenate them, but it opts instead to leave the field blank.
>> Unpost the invoice, repost and uncheck the "Accumulate Split?" box and then view the AR/AP register again. You should see your descriptions from the invoice now appear as the memo in the register for each split.
> Thanks, that solved the problem. But I'm not yet sure what I "lost" by unchecking the Accumulate Split box. I've only entered a couple of test invoices to see how it works.
You aren’t losing anything except maybe simplicity.
If you accumulate splits, and you have more than one line on a invoice posting to the same account, then in the AR/AP registers, you will see only one split line for that account for that invoice/bill transaction.
If you do not accumulate splits, then GC posts a split line for each line of the invoice. This might result in multiple split lines going to the same account. But if you want to see the line item descriptions as memos or having to see the line item detail without opening the invoice, this is the way to go.
Using your original example, with Accumulate Splits? on, you’ll see this:
19/04/2017 3461 UjENA USA 3255.24
Invoice housecln 300.00
Invoice util 578.00
Invoice office 2377.24
That is one split for each account regardless of how many line items on the invoice are posted to any one particular account.
But with Accumulate Splits? off, you’ll see this:
19/04/2017 3461 UjENA USA 3255.24
Invoice housecln 300.00
Invoice util 578.00
Invoice office 50.00
Invoice office 250.00
Invoice office 2077.24
Note, the first example will not show anything in the memo field as we’ve already discussed.
The second example will, but this particular one didn’t have anything to display from the invoice.
>>> It would be nice if I could double-click the invoice line and open the invoice, maybe I am missing something?
>> That would be nice too. I agree. Please file a Request For Enhancement on Bugzilla.
> OK great. I'll fetch the current head and make the changes. It should be easier to see the list of invoices. I should be able to click and see the list, and click to open each one. If you do one invoice and print it, the way it is works. But I typically enter up to five invoices for a customer in a day. I need to see a list. I am new, but I'm having to type in the actual invoice number in the search to view it. I want to click a customer and see the invoices, click the invoice to open.
There are several ways to get a list of Invoices/Bills:
1) Using the Business > Customer/Vendor > Find Invoice/Bill menu entry. This will give you a search window where you can use various means to find what you are looking for. I commonly search for Customer/Vendor Name instead of Bill/Invoice ID. (which is the default)
2) Using the Business > Customer/Vendor > Find Customer/Vendor menu entry. This also gives a search window, this time defaulting to Name, and when you select a Customer/Vendor from that list, you can then click the button to View Invoices/Bills for that entity. (which brings up the same invoice/bill list window as option 1)
3) Using the Business > Customer/Vendor > Customer/Vendor Overview menu entry. This will give you a list of customers/vendors in a new tab.(each) Very handy to keep open at all times. Each tab will have the relevant New Invoice/Bill button added to the toolbar as well as a context right-click menu to run a customer/vendor report. (you can also run this from the Reports > Business menus) This report is effectively a ‘statement’ for that customer, or to that vendor. It will show all posted invoices/bills as well as linked payments. The invoices/bills are hyperlinked to the actual invoices/bills and payments are hyperlinked to either the asset account you received funds to for customers, or the AP register for bills. This report also shows total debits and credits along with a net balance and an aging summary.
There is also on these tab toolbars, a Customer/Vendor summary button that is essentially a Receivables/Payables aging report, but instead of defaulting to only those customers/vendors with invoices/bills outstanding, it shows all entities in each list respectively. (thus you’ll see you have nothing outstanding from say Fred Smith, or nothing due to the utility company) The totals in this summary report are also hyperlinked to run the ‘statement’ reports for that entity. This summary report might be more useful to keep open than the Customer/Vendors tab because it shows you current aging. You can click the total link for each entity to get to the ‘Statement report’ as noted. The only draw back is this report (because it is a report) doesn’t have the New Invoice/Bill button or context-menu link. But you can still accomplish this in the regular Business > Customer/Vendor menu.
Admittedly, these aren’t the nicest or most convenient work flows for getting at the data, but they do work well.
Note, using Option 3 will only show those invoices/bills that have been posted. If you want a complete list even those that are not yet posted, you need to use option 1 or 2.
> In my test I made two invoices. Apparently I messed up and some accounts are "Assets" and some "Income" which totally rucks up the reports, at least what I am looking for. I need to figure out how to change the accounts or start over. Also when I assign a job I cannot seem to unassign. (I first thought the "job" was messing up the reports but I think it's not actually the case, it's probably income/asset issue).
Generally, all AR invoices should post to income accounts and all AP bills should post to expense, or pre-paid asset accounts. (you’d then post the pre-paid asset to expense as you actually use it)
AR/AP credit memos might post to other places however depending on special circumstances.
When you process payments for Invoices, those should be posted against an asset account. (usually cash, but if accepting physical checks, consider using a clearing account such as ‘undeposited funds’ to post payment against, and then transfer that balance to checking when you make an actual deposit, this will make your reconciling life easier)
When you process payments for Bills, those should be posted against cash/checking, or a credit card liability account depending on method of payment.
You should be able to edit the Job (and other top-block info) by clicking the Edit Invoice/Bill button on the tool bar. Note, you can’t do this after posting. If you need to edit this info, unpost then edit, then re-post. (mind that unposting and reposting *might* unlink some previously linked payments. GC is good about restoring these links, but if there are other invoices/bills posted with later dates that are still open, those payments might get linked to them instead upon unposting the older one. You’ll have to manually re-assign those payments or edit the Account Lots—a subject for another thread)
> I'm working on figuring this out. Expense items are actually invoices for investment. So 50 employees for the pay period invoiced to investment. Office supplies, machines, etc. Not actually expenses. But the product shipped has a value, not tied to expenses. So I need production report of value. And need income statement based on account. I'm tracking three things basically, invoices to investment (like you buy five desks and invoice against investment), invoices to value of product shipped (to track production), and employee wages expense (again invoiced against investment money but needs to be separate for payroll processing)
I’m not sure I’m following your ‘invoices for investment’ approach. If you are putting funds into the business not generated from revenue, that should be booked to Shareholders/Owners Equity or a similar account. If this is something along the lines of ‘customer deposits’ then you book those to cash(or other cash asset like checking) against a Customer Deposit liability account. If you want to charge back certain AP items to Customers on AR Invoices, you can do so using the Customer Chargeback feature on the AP Bill.
As for actual merchandise, you can maintain an inventory asset account (with relevant sub-accounts if you desire for departments/classifications) which you book against a Cost of Goods Sold expense account for each sale, or at periodic inventory counting. (whichever fits your business model)
**Note** GnuCash is not designed for, and does not at present, handle inventory accounting. You’ll need to use a separate spreadsheet or application for this and then input the values in the proper asset/expense accounts as needed.
Employee wages should be booked to a Labor expense account. You can accrue payroll liabilities as needed to the proper liability accounts and then expense them when you actually write the checks. (depends on your jurisdiction and tax laws)
**Note** GnuCash is not designed for, and does not at present, handle figuring payroll, but you can do the accounting and write payroll checks with GnuCash. There is a section of the Tutorial & Concepts Guide which can walk you through the work-around for this.
All this aside, I’d talk to a qualified accountant and get their recommendations on the chart of accounts you need for your business and how to record your transactions. They can give specific advise to your local jurisdiction respecting accounting legal requirements and tax law.
Hope that helps,
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>> ---
>> Waitman Gobble
>> On 2017-06-10 12:41, Derek Atkins wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Welcome to GnuCash.
>> The transaction description is on the top line with the date.
>> Each split line also has a memo field. This is what you see in transaction journal mode.
>> There is also a note field, which is visible in double line mode.
>> Hope this helps.
>> -derek
>> --
>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity or typos.
>> On June 10, 2017 12:01:31 PM EDT, Waitman Gobble <waitman at> wrote: I am new to GnuCash. I am running GnuCash 2.6.16 on FreeBSD
>> 11.0-RELEASE-p9
>> In the Transaction Journal View there is a column "memo" which is blank
>> for all entries. Is there a way to see the "Description" instead? Or,
>> maybe there can be a memo on a line item, but I'm not seeing it.
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