Customizing Budget Periods

Phillip Davis phil.davis at
Thu Mar 2 06:54:12 EST 2017

I am helping some organizations in Nepal start using GnuCash. Nepal has 
a different calendar and Nepali months start around the middle of the 
Gregorian calendar month. Thankfully there are 12 months, the same as 
the Gregorian calendar. We are going to have to use Gregorian dates, 
because (unless someone points me to a whole calendar package for 
GnuCash!) there is not going to be anything that knows about the Nepali 
year and number of days in each month...

Typically the financial year starts around 2016-07-15 to 2017-07-14. But 
the number of days in each Nepali month is different to the Gregorian 
months. So each Nepali month might start on 07-15 then 08-16 09-17 10-15 
11-14 ... - the exact start day of the Nepali month in the Gregorian 
calendar month varies by a couple of days.

All I can do so far is specify the start of the budget, e.g. 2016-07-15, 
and GnuCash assumes each subsequent period starts on the 15th of each 
month. I would like to specify the actual start date of each budget period.

Is that possible anywhere?


Phil Davis

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