Year end options

Colin Law clanlaw at
Tue Mar 7 06:21:25 EST 2017

On 7 March 2017 at 10:49, Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at> wrote:
> There's no technical guarantee. There's a soft guarantee you can use to
> prevent accidental modification of past transactions.
> File > Properties > Day Threshold for Read-Only = eg. 365 to prevent you
> from modifying txns more than 1 yr ago.
> I don't believe it protects the datafile from being modified via its own
> features eg Business features, Stock Split etc.

In addition of course you will keep offsite backups on read only
medium so you always have a reference to go back to in the case where
it appears that old data may be suspect or there is a query from the
tax man or whoever.


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