Invoice problems

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Wed Mar 8 03:27:31 EST 2017

On woensdag 8 maart 2017 03:15:04 CET Jerome Kremen wrote:
> Dear Mr. Atkins,
> Thank you so much for your help.  All the problems listed are now solved. 
> But in the process of experimenting I now have duplicate invoices in my
> accounts receivable.  How do I get rid of the extra copy? Thanks again. 
> After a 5 day wait I was beginning to think no one would no one would help.
> Best Wishes,
> jerry kremen
The only way to get rid of duplicate invoices is to reuse them in the future 
as there is unfortunately no delete option.

Luckily every aspect of an unposted invoice can be altered, including the 
customer. So the next time you need to enter an invoice start with "Edit 
invoice" and select one of the duplicates to modify instead of starting from 
"New invoice".

Repeat until all duplicate invoices have been reused.



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