Fwd: Re: Re : Fwd: Re: Tr : Year end options

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at dialup4less.com
Wed Mar 15 15:47:45 EDT 2017

On 3/15/2017 4:52 AM, Alain Dormoy wrote:
> In fact, the main reason is to be able de delete old accounts that will never be used again, form the CoA.
> For instance, everytime I take a trip I open *new* accounts, eg London:Flight, London:Hotels, London:Car rental, London:Restaurant etc...
> As I have been doing this for 8 years, when I want to enter a transaction in one of those, I have to scroll down dozens and dozens of accounts before finding the relevant one.
If THAT is the problem (having to scroll down through them), why not 
just make these accounts "not visible"? Then if for some reason you want 
to look at one of these trips again, you wouldn't have to find/open a 
set of books from that time period. Just make visible again.

Michael D Novack

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