gnucash crashes during csv import - what's the approved csv formats?

Uttam Chakravorty uttam at
Tue Mar 28 07:28:59 EDT 2017

Dear Karin,

Please consider using my "advice" with great care for reasons that will become self-evident.  In my experience I opened the csv file in libreoffice calc, resaved, opened it in Bluefish (or any text editor) and ended each line with a blank field i.e. ',,'.  This did the trick for me.  I would love to know if I did something right, or just got lucky.

Best of luck.  I think this is a great product and as a bookkeeper much faster to use than Sage, but without the safeguards.  I feel indebted to the team and hope my offering serves some use by way of thanks.


 From:   Karin Lagesen <karin.lagesen at> 
 To:   <gnucash-user at> 
 Sent:   26/03/2017 9:08 PM 
 Subject:   gnucash crashes during csv import - what's the approved csv formats? 

I am having trouble importing the DNB (Den Norske Bank)'s csv format. It  
_looks_ good, but no matter how much fiddling I do with it, I always end  
up with crashing gnucash. 
The format I get looks like this (edited descriptions and amounts to  
remove personal information). 
"Dato";"Forklaring";"Rentedato";"Ut av konto";"Inn på konto" 
"11.10.2016";"Description with norw. characters  
Anybody got any ideas/tips/hints re what to do to get this to import?  
Are there characters that aren't allowed? Anything else I should be  
aware of? 
Thanks in advance, 

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