CSV Import

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Tue Mar 28 12:39:57 EDT 2017

(First reply didn't go to list, so resending)

On dinsdag 28 maart 2017 13:16:22 CEST you wrote:

Thanks for the info on the output columns for an export. Is there any guidance on how to do an 
import on split transactions? For instance does the split amounts have to be imported 
separately? Perhaps an example from someone who was able to import. I randomly scanned 
through some of the archives. Also, tried to do a search from the accounting info page using this 
link: Or you can search the gnucash-user Archives. https://lists.gnucash.org/search/?
idxinfo=gnucash-user That results in a Not Found error for the search page. Thanks again 

As I said the csv import functionality in the 2.6 series is rather limited. It has no notion of split 
transactions for csv data.

So there is no way to import (multi-)split transactions from csv in gnucash 2.6. It will only accept 
data where each line describes a transaction but in e very limited way:
Each line should have
- a date
- a description
- an amount (be it deposit or withdrawal)

Based on this information it will use a bayesian match algorithm  to determine if the same 
transaction was already in your gnucash or not.

On the last page of the importer it will show you its findings and allow you to correct. These 
corrections include
* manually mark existing transactions as such if the bayesian match didn't detect it
* inversely, mark transactions as new if the bayesian match falsely believed it had found a 
* for all transactions that weren't matched to existing transactions in gnucash you can complete 
them (to a limited extent). That means for such transactions you can indicate a transfer 
account. (The base account was specified earlier in the import process, either in your column 
data or in a separate page).

That's about as much as the csv importer can do.

- if your import data holds a transfer account, it's completely ignored. You will be asked to 
specify one in the last page (if the bayesian match didn't find a match).
- there is no way to import multi-split transactions. The import will always create two-split 

Lastly the search pages are indeed broken. The software that provided them has been 
abandonded quite some time ago and doesn't work on the current server OS used to host the 
lists. To search the archives you can make use of google's site search by entering something 
like below in a google search field:
<my search> site:lists.gnucash.org
So for example
csv import site:lists.gnucash.org



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