Upgrading gc on an ubuntu desktop

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Mon May 1 02:56:59 EDT 2017

On 1 May 2017 at 05:43, John R. Sowden <jsowden at americansentry.net> wrote:
> I have decided to give gc another chance.  I noticed that the copy I have on
> my desktop is dated April, 2016.  I checked and found that this is the
> "current version" per ubuntu, so to get a version that is a year newer, I
> must go elsewhere.  I went to google and searched for words like gnucash
> ubuntu upgrade ppa.  Separately and in groups.  Nothing.  I checked emails
> from the gc mail list that I saved that I thought might be of interest, no
> luck.

The getdeb repository usually has the latest after only a short delay.


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