New multiple periods side by side report: Anomalous behaviour

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Tue May 2 13:04:03 EDT 2017

On 5/2/2017 3:41 AM, Peter Jackson wrote:
> Thank you. I have this up and running under Windows 10.
> I have noticed that the totals for two accounts did not agree with the
> totals produced by Gnucash in a different report.
> In each case, for no reason that I can discern, one transaction has been
> omitted from the totals.
> I'm wondering if others have experienced the same issue.
> Regards
> Peter
Not in the sense you mean. Whenever I find a "transaction missing" upon 
investigation it turns out to be something that I, not the software has 
done wrong.

Are you looking for the list of things to check? Things like are you 
SURE you are running for the same dates? Are you SURE the same nesting 
levels? Or that you haven't TOLD gnucash to leave something out (account 

Michael D Novack

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