Price Editor broke today for unknown reasons

Keith Myers keith.myers at
Wed Nov 1 23:26:13 EDT 2017

I can't get Price Editor to work today. Worked fine up till yesterday.  
Now all it does is hang GnuCash with a spinner and timeout.  I 
completely removed Perl and reinstalled including the Finance-Quote 
module.  When I run gnc-fq-check, gnc-fq-dump, and gnc-fq-update, they 
all come back with the expected correct responses. Perl sees the module 
fine.  Why is GnuCash broken today.  All the rest of GnuCash is working 
correctly, just the Price Editor can't get any updates.  I have repaired 
GnuCash, rebooted the computer umpteen times and nothing has got the 
Price Editor to not hang GnuCash.

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