simple find transactions report

Elmar etschme at
Thu Nov 2 10:59:48 EDT 2017

Getting a report by payee/description for a set of dates across a set of 
accounts, is still opaque to me, though.  I have a "travel" account 
under expenses-discretionary, that is itself split into lodging, travel, 
fees, etc.  I am trying to retrieve all transactions from all these 
subaccounts sorted by payee and date to dump into a spreadsheet.  Doing 
a "find" on the placeholder account "travel" gives me nothing at all. 
Do I have to go and learn SQL to get what I need?

- Elmar

On 10/10/2017 11:17 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:
> Heh, sorry. I'm not near a computer to verify my directions and won't be 
> until next week...
> Glad you managed to decode my terse answer.
> Geert
> Elmar <etschme at> schreef op 9 oktober 2017 21:37:57 GMT+01:00:
>  >Perfect!  Thanks, although I had to translate this to the menu entry
>  >"edit/find" (not "search")

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