F::Q 1.45 AlphaVantage quote failure

Greg Etling greg at gregetling.com
Sun Nov 12 12:25:50 EST 2017

Like many others, I'm trying to get AlphaVantage up and running, but
running into an error I haven't seen discussed yet. I followed the FAQ
instructions (https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_Why_doesn.27t_
online_quoting_work.3F) to add an ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY to /
Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/etc/gnucash/environment. Prior
to Yahoo deactivation, F::Q worked fine for me.

OSX Sierra 10.12.6, Finance::Quote 1.45, Gnucash 2.6.18

perl /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-dump -v
alphavantage SCHB.US

Note: same exact behavior happens with 'SCHB' and 'US:SCHB' formulations
and other ticker symbols.

malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at
character offset 0 (before "Can't connect to www...") at
/Library/Perl/5.18/Finance/Quote/AlphaVantage.pm line 138.

For reference, line 138:
my $json_data = JSON::decode_json $body;

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

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