Could not obtain the lock

David Carlson david.carlson.417 at
Tue Nov 21 03:46:01 EST 2017


The lock file is always in the same folder as the data file and it always
has the same name as the data file with the suffix .LCK  Unless you are
doing something very unusual, the files will be visible in your file
explorer as long as you put them somewhere in your user folder on your
local machine ('C' Drive) or on a removable device.  If you are using cloud
storage, you may have a problem with the configuration.

In Windows the user name matters when there are more than one user on the
same machine, but on single user machines it does not matter if the files
were created in another machine under a different user name.

What do you mean by "it asks me to save the file as a new file"?  Have you
been clicking on "File > Save" and immediately getting a message to "Save
As.." or does the "Save" button go grey and the asterisk that was in front
of the file name in the top banner disappear?.

If you do get the "Save As..." prompt, just save it to a different folder
under your desktop temporarily until you can find the problem.

Exactly how do you exit the program?  Are the transactions you entered
recently reappearing when you re-open the file?  Do you start the program
by clicking on the program icon or on the data file icon or a shortcut to
the data file?

David C

On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 1:35 AM, Maf. King <maf at> wrote:

> Hi Moira,
> What about the folder that the GC data file is in - is that read-only?
> can you
> create a file in that folder using some other program, say notepad or word?
> Don't know how windows manages username permissions - I know that some
> files
> can only be touched by an administrator.  You didn't specify windows in
> your
> OP, it would certainly be possible on linux that the new user ID would not
> have permissions to the files of an old ID...
> Maf.
> On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 02:49:30 GMT you wrote:
> > No, the files are not "Read-Only".
> >
> > My username for Windows??? Yes, it is different on the new computer. Does
> > that matter?
> >
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