gnucash-user Digest, Vol 176, Issue 57

Ian McAllister purchase at
Tue Nov 28 09:00:01 EST 2017

Thanks Colin,

I was looking in completely the wrong place. As a last desperate act, I 
did a search on my entire computer, instead of just the C:\ drive. There 
were the files in the E:\  drive and I had also copied them into the 
c:\E-drive folder.

Now I'm ready for bed, but I hope tomorrow I'll be able to point the new 
installation to the right files once I work out where to put them.

Thanks for your help,

Ian McAllister

On 28/11/2017 06:32 PM, gnucash-user-request at wrote:
> Send gnucash-user mailing list submissions to
> 	gnucash-user at
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> 	gnucash-user-request at
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> 	gnucash-user-owner at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of gnucash-user digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>     1. Multi-user suggestion: an edit token (Eric Siegerman)
>     2. RE: bank entries (DaveC49)
>     3. Alphavantage not working in gnucash 2.6.17 (Patrick Alken)
>     4. Re: gnucash-user Digest, Vol 176, Issue 55 (Colin Law)
>     5. Re: Gncash 2.6.17 crash on Mac Os High Sierra 10.13.Beta
>        (Alexis Lucena)
>     6. Re: Gncash 2.6.17 crash on Mac Os High Sierra 10.13.Beta
>        (Christoph R)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 23:42:13 -0500
> From: Eric Siegerman <pub08-gnc at>
> To: gnucash-user at
> Subject: Multi-user suggestion: an edit token
> Message-ID: <20171128044212.c2b5yqstumyjkflg at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 10:21:55PM -0600, Jeff Hobson wrote:
>> [...] a true conflict would arise if both platforms were
>> modifying the data at the same time. That caveat, understood is
>> the real barrier to mutual and simultaneous access.
> Indeed!
> If there will be multiple people involved, one way to keep these
> collisions from happening by accident is to have a physical token
> of some sort.  It can be anything -- a dollar-store trinket, a
> lovingly carved wooden figurine, an oddly shaped rock from the
> garden, whatever :-)  As long as it's distinctive.
> The rule is that only the person with the token on their desk is
> allowed to touch the file.  So:
>    - If you want to do some GnuCash work, grab the token first
>    - When you're done, return the token to some agreed neutral
>      location where it lives while not in use
>    - If you go to grab it and it's on someone else's desk, *check
>      with them* before you take it
>      No cheating on this one!  Maybe they left for the day and
>      forgot to return it ... but maybe they're just taking a quick
>      break in the middle of something long and intricate.  If Mary
>      has the token, Mary *owns* that file until she says
>      otherwise!
> In theory this shouldn't be needed.  GnuCash is supposed to sort
> all that out for you -- that's what the foo.gnucash.LCK file is
> for.  But over some networks, that kind of locking can be iffy.
> So if in practice you get these "John and Mary both changed it"
> situations, the above physical-token scheme can be used as a
> fallback.
>    - Eric
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 21:52:48 -0700 (MST)
> From: DaveC49 <davidcousens at>
> To: gnucash-user at
> Subject: RE: bank entries
> Message-ID: < at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Christine,
> I don't think the program itself is your problem. You will require some
> fundamental knowledge of accounting procedures and theory no matter which
> program you use. It is also a process of learning the jargonused in a
> particular program's interface. I know of no accounting program which is not
> a double entry under the hood although some do simplify procedures by only
> allowing you to perform certain actions from the  appropriate accounts.
> Gnucash is generally far more flexible that most accounting packages - but
> it's default ways of doing things are designed to make it easier
> Using the Dr and Cr terminology is good. It is the default for accountants.
> Gnucash provides an alternative for people who are not comfortable with it.
> That may be setup as the default if you are not getting Debit and Credit
> column headings at the right when you display an account. Is so, to set up
> Gnucash to use Dr/Cr go to Menu->Edit->Preferences then select the Accounts
> tab at the left hand side in the popup dialog which comes up. About half way
> down you will see a check box Labels - Use formal accounting labels. make
> sure it is selected. You will then get Dr (Debit) and Cr (Credit) columns
> when you display an account from the main Accounts window in a tab.
> For a start, I would create a dummy set of accounts ( I call mine Test - no
> imagination) you can play with while getting used to the program (I am an
> accountant and I still use this regularly after using Gnucash for more than
> five years) separate from any sets of personal accounts for yourself or
> business set
>   of accounts. I usually put each set of accounts in its own folder.  Section
> 2.5 of the guide explains creating files for each set of accounts.
> I would read  through sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 of the Tutorial guide before
> attempting too much but have the program open, particularly for section 2.3
> which deals with the interface - how you do things in Gnucash.  Section 3 on
> Accounts next and then Section 4 on Transactions are good to read next.
> >From your description, it would appear you are handling a simple business.
> If you buy and sell only with cash, then you can ignore the business
> features section for now as they are mainly for buying from suppliers on
> credit (when you pay at the end of the month or quarter) and selling to
> customers on credit ( where they pay you later on some agreed basis (again
> ned of month/quarter etc). Even if you do need to use these, it is better to
> get a good grasp on the cash processes first.
> Debits and Credits as they appear in your own account will be reversed from
> how they appear in a bank statement for your account from your bank. This is
> because a bank views your account with it as a Liability (money they may
> have to pay to you or to others on your behalf when you request it). In your
> own accounts your bank account is an Asset (a resource you have available to
> use at your discretion).
> I am also not sure what you mean by "balance one of the accounts". The
> column labelled Balance on the far right in a given account register gives
> the balance of that account which for an Asset account, e.g. a bank account
> is the sum of all the debits to that account minus the sum of all the
> credits to that account. Gnucash maintains the balance for that account
> automatically. There is no having to balance an account when you enter a
> transaction. Another good rule of thumb is if you are buying or selling
> something where the funds either come or go to your bank account, then start
> the transaction in the account register for your bank account (double click
> on the Asset:Bank account in your Accounts display tab and it will open the
> register).  Changing the register defaults can also make things a lot
> clearer.  Menu->Edit->Preferences and then select the Register Defaults tab.
> If you set the Default Style to Autosplit Register (select the checkbox) and
> the Other Defaults check the Double line mode checkbox. You will then have
> to close any open account registers and reopen them for these options to
> take effect. It will then appear as follows:
> <>
> .
> The first two lines are an unopened transaction, the next 5 lines are the
> currently open transaction and the final two are another unopened
> transaction. The two yellow lines are a summary of the transaction as it
> affects the account register in which it is displayed. The three lines in
> brown are the components or splits of the transaction - the third line is a
> blank. The screenshot is from the reister for one of my bank accounts
> Assets:Current Assets:David:Streamline 2576 ( each of the : separated items
> is a sub account of the previous level). Gnucash always presents the debit
> entries of a transaction first followed by the credit entries when you open
> a transaction in the register. The second brown line (Credit entry) records
> money being taken from my account. The first brown line (Debit entry)
> records that money being transferred to my Paypal account to purchase an
> item using my Paypal account. (Normally when you enter a transaction you
> would enter what appears in the second line first and then what appears as
> the first line as the second line.
> If you click on the account column (fifth from the right in the screenshot)
> in one of the splits (brown lines), you will get a dropdown menu which will
> allow you to select any account you want to from your account heirarchy. If
> this had been a direct purchase, instead of via Paypal, I would have
> selected an Expense account rather than my Paypal account.
> My Paypal account register will have this same transaction recorded with the
> exact same detail as well as another transaction between it and an expense
> account which records the actual purchase I made from a supplier
> You may also have meant the process of reconciliation by "balance one of the
> accounts". This is where you compare what you have recorded in your account
> with an external record, e.g. a statement supplied by a bank periodically
> usually monthly or quarterly.   This is discussed in Section II,1. Checkbook
> under the reconciliation heading.
> Hope this helps to make it a little clearer. It's usually like mud for a
> while then it begins to make sense.
> Cheers
> David.
> -----
> David Cousens
> --
> Sent from:
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 22:57:07 -0700
> From: Patrick Alken <alken at>
> To: gnucash-user at
> Subject: Alphavantage not working in gnucash 2.6.17
> Message-ID: <9ff5a65f-7ca0-ca1c-6354-ac096a9e9a0e at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Apologies if this has already been asked, but I couldn't find this exact
> issue in the recent mailings.
> I have:
> gnucash: 2.6.17
> F::Q: 1.47
> My F::Q works from the command line:
> ----------
> $ gnc-fq-dump alphavantage CSCO
> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
> ??? symbol: CSCO???????????????? <=== required
> ????? date: 11/27/2017?????????? <=== recommended
> ? currency: USD????????????????? <=== required
> ????? last: 36.8700????????????? <=\??????
> ?????? nav:????????????????????? <=== one of these
> ???? price:????????????????????? <=/???????
> ? timezone:????????????????????? <=== optional
> ----------
> However inside gnucash price editor I still get the "unknown error when
> retrieving price quotes".
> I have unchecked the "Get Online Quotes" flag from ALL of my stocks in
> the security editor. However the price editor still gives me the same
> error (unknown error).
> gnucash --debug shows nothing related to quotes. I only get lines like this:
> ----
> * 22:34:53? INFO <gnc.account> [xaccAccountGetBalanceInCurrency]? baln=0/1
> * 22:34:53? INFO <gnc.account> [xaccAccountGetBalanceInCurrency]? baln=0/100
> * 22:34:53? INFO <gnc.account> [xaccAccountGetBalanceInCurrency]? baln=0/100
> * 22:34:53? INFO <gnc.account> [xaccAccountGetBalanceInCurrency]? baln=0/100
> ----
> Can anyone advise how to diagnose the issue?
> Thanks,
> Patrick
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2017 07:49:41 +0000
> From: Colin Law <clanlaw at>
> To: helpian at
> Cc: "gnucash-user at" <gnucash-user at>
> Subject: Re: gnucash-user Digest, Vol 176, Issue 55
> Message-ID:
> 	<CAL=0gLuaLz-7bykdKhFTdoomwkkM6ow_S720V2ZnjtzwB67iog at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Look at the timestamps of the .gnucash files that have a name and lots
> of digits (those are the backups of your data). Find the latest of
> these.  The likely cause is that you have been using one of the
> backups as your actual backups so you have backups of backups. Do not
> give up, your file is almost certainly there.
> Colin
> On 28 November 2017 at 03:44, Ian McAllister <purchase at> wrote:
>> Thanks David,
>> I searched my backup disk, and found 473 instances of .gnucash but no files
>> with the right name, but without the .gcm at the end.
>> I suppose I'll just have to start with a new installation, and put in data
>> from my bank for five months.
>> Ian McAllister
>> On 28/11/2017 01:00 AM, gnucash-user-request at wrote:
>>> Send gnucash-user mailing list submissions to
>>>          gnucash-user at
>>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>>          gnucash-user-request at
>>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>>          gnucash-user-owner at
>>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>>> than "Re: Contents of gnucash-user digest..."
>>> Today's Topics:
>>>      1. GnuCash 2.7.2 released (John Ralls)
>>>      2. Re: bank entries (Christine )
>>>      3. Re: bank entries (Colin Law)
>>>      4. RE: bank entries (Ken Pyzik)
>>>      5. Re: bank entries (DaveC49)
>>>      6. RE: bank entries (Christine )
>>>      7. Re: bank entries (David Carlson)
>>>      8. Re: bank entries (Maf. King)
>>>      9. recover GNUcash data after windows crash (Ian McAllister)
>>>     10. Re: recover GNUcash data after windows crash (David T.)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2017 10:34:38 -0800
>>> From: John Ralls <jralls at>
>>> To: Gnucash Users <gnucash-user at>
>>> Subject: GnuCash 2.7.2 released
>>> Message-ID: <F498E742-98DF-45CE-9DBE-244B25B06923 at>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=utf-8
>>> The Gnucash Development Team is pleased to release Gnucash 2.7.2, the
>>> third release of an unstable series leading to Gnucash 2.8.0.
>>> This release is UNSTABLE and SHOULD NOT BE USED in production.
>>> This release changes file locations, binding APIs, report options, and can
>>> make your data file no longer compatible with previous versions. See the
>>> Update Notes Page for details.
>>> See the KNOWN PROBLEMS list at the bottom of the announcement.
>>> Bugs fixed in this release
>>>          ? Bug 734865 - Assign as Payment... can silently 'unpay' a payed
>>> invoice
>>>                  ? if the selected transaction is already linked to an
>>> existing payment, the payment dialog will present this payment again (same
>>> partner, post-to account, same selected document(s), same amount, memo, and
>>> transfer account).
>>>                  ? if the selected transaction is not linked to an existing
>>> business transaction the logic will make a best guess as to whether the
>>> payment should be for a customer or vendor.
>>>                  ? in both situations if the existing transaction has
>>> multiple splits that can be considered as transfer (or 'payment') splits the
>>> payment dialog can't work with it (it can only deal with one transfer
>>> split). In this case the user will be informed that only one valid transfer
>>> split will be retained and the others ignored.
>>>                  ? the other thing the payment dialog can't handle are APAR
>>> type splits that are not associated to a lot at all. In case of transactions
>>> not part of a business transaction they will be silently ignored on the
>>> assumptions these were manually entered transactions with the intention to
>>> be linked to business transactions. On the other hand if such a split is
>>> part of a transaction that is also linked to a business payment already, a
>>> warning will be issued these splits will be removed from the new payment.
>>>          ? Bug 778692 - Assign as payment should work for employee expense
>>> vouchers
>>>                  ? if gnucash can deduce a partner from the transaction
>>> that partner will be proposed this works for all transactions that are part
>>> of a business transaction already and will correctly detect pre-existing
>>> customer, vendor and employee payments
>>>                  ? if no partner can be deduced gnucash will assume the
>>> transaction to be a vendor or customer payment based on the sign
>>>                  ? in all cases the user can change the partner type in the
>>> payment window that's presented to any of customer, vendor or employee to
>>> correct gnucash' suggestion.
>>>          ? Bug 784623 - GNUCash does not work with sql backend.
>>> Wherin the problem is that MySQL's TIMESTAMP has a date range of
>>> 1970-01-01 00:00:01 to 2038-01-19 03:14:07 and is unable to handle time_t of
>>> 0. MySQL's TIMESTAMP also assumes that input is in the server's timezone and
>>> adjusts it to UTC. GnuCash has already done that conversion.
>>>          ? Bug 789608 - Compilation problems when linking libraries.
>>>          ? Bug 789928 - FTBFS with libdbi 0.9.0-5 on Debian.
>>>          ? Bug 790550 - FTBFS: missing
>>> Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs:
>>>          ? SQL parameter quoting is corrected in the backend so that only
>>> string parameters are quoted. This caused trouble when trying to store SQL
>>> NULL; the string 'NULL' is different from the value NULL.
>>>          ? SQL table versions weren't set consistently and a bogus version
>>> test could cause some tables to be not loaded.
>>>          ? Better, more targeted handling of MySQL's penchant for setting
>>> date-time fields to "0000-00-00 00:00:00" if it doesn't like the input. This
>>> should be much less common thanks to fixing Bug 784623.
>>>          ? Major repairs to the "Dense Calendar" date selector.
>>>          ? Fix colors on graph reports so that the selections work and the
>>> defaults are no longer transparent.
>>>          ? Two large batches of styling fixes for Gtk3 from Bob Fewell.
>>>          ? Fix the guile-compiled path in the environment file so that
>>> GnuCash can start on Windows.
>>>          ? Convert the graphical reports to use GnuCash's rational numbers
>>> instead of doubles for better accuracy.
>>>          ? On Microsoft Windows starting the AQBanking Setup Wizard crashes
>>> GnuCash.
>>>          ? test-import-bayes built with autotools intermittently fails at
>>> line 381, where the returned value is 1 instead of the expected 6.
>>> Getting GnuCash for Windows and MacOS X
>>> GnuCash is provided for both Microsoft Windows XP? and later and MacOS X
>>> 10.9 (Mavericks)? and later in pre-built, all-in-one packages. An installer
>>> is provided for Microsoft Windows? while the MacOS X? package is a disk
>>> image containing a drag-and-drop application bundle.
>>> SourceForge:
>>>          ? Download GnuCash for Win32
>>>          ? Download GnuCash for Mac-Intel
>>> Github
>>>          ? Download GnuCash for Win32
>>>          ? Download GnuCash for Mac-Intel
>>> Getting GnuCash as source code
>>> If you want to compile GnuCash 2.7.2 for yourself, the source code can be
>>> downloaded from:
>>>          ? Sourceforge: bzip2 tarball, gzip tarball, all files.
>>>          ? Github: bzip2 tarball, gzip tarball WARNING Do not try to use
>>> the github-generated files labelled "Source Code". They have not been
>>> processed with swig and will not build.
>>>          ? You can also checkout the sources directly from the git
>>> repository as described here.
>>> The SHA256 Hashes for the downloadable files are:
>>>          ? baa6bae13918da62be58fe09d904ccf38893607e57dae4eba53db4ff96ab61b3
>>> gnucash-2.7.2.tar.bz2
>>>          ? 567e654f24e611a780ef66d3e92c0da695196594c7611bbfa99e550e04a2ca87
>>> gnucash-2.7.2.tar.gz
>>>          ? ea5ec52e896e05eec4659088866dca5132374f5e9ed424a4e2ad4d4d072b7be5
>>> gnucash-2.7.2.setup.exe
>>>          ? 5fe6fab0374ca77a86257ee83ee07288909c8f6b256b790ab8b1ff6e054eafff
>>> Gnucash-Intel-2.7.2-1.dmg
>>> Please consult the README.dependencies file in the sources for the
>>> required dependencies and versions needed to build GnuCash from source.
>>> Additional information on building GnuCash may be found in the Wiki
>>> Getting the documentation
>>> The documentation is available at Documentation page of the GnuCash
>>> website. Please refer to the "Nightly Builds" section at the bottom of the
>>> page.
>>> About the Program
>>> GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the GNU
>>> General Public License (GPL) and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Mac
>>> OSX and Microsoft Windows. Programming on GnuCash began in 1997, and its
>>> first stable release was in 1998.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 2
>>> Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2017 21:52:12 -0000
>>> From: "Christine " <cmaloney4 at>
>>> To: <gnucash-user at>
>>> Subject: Re: bank entries
>>> Message-ID: <007101d36700$d143d1a0$73cb74e0$@net>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"
>>> Whenever I post a deposit to the bank, it makes a withdrawal of the same
>>> amount and I cannot get it to just take the entry, can anyone help pls
>>> Christine
>>> ---
>>> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 3
>>> Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2017 22:06:55 +0000
>>> From: Colin Law <clanlaw at>
>>> To: Christine <cmaloney4 at>
>>> Cc: "gnucash-user at" <gnucash-user at>
>>> Subject: Re: bank entries
>>> Message-ID:
>>> <CAL=0gLsYi8wHMsnv5Mu92+Zn_LkuKiH0oXxhXDL9YUmZ3fMOag at>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
>>> Have you read the tutorial and concepts guide? [1]
>>> It sounds like you are making a basic mistake in how you are entering it.
>>> Colin
>>> [1]
>>> On 26 November 2017 at 21:52, Christine  via gnucash-user
>>> <gnucash-user at> wrote:
>>>> Whenever I post a deposit to the bank, it makes a withdrawal of the same
>>>> amount and I cannot get it to just take the entry, can anyone help pls
>>>> Christine
>>>> ---
>>>> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> gnucash-user mailing list
>>>> gnucash-user at
>>>> -----
>>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 4
>>> Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2017 14:20:37 -0800
>>> From: "Ken Pyzik" <pyz01 at>
>>> To: "'Christine'" <cmaloney4 at>
>>> Cc: <gnucash-user at>
>>> Subject: RE: bank entries
>>> Message-ID: <001d01d36704$c986a150$5c93e3f0$>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"
>>> Christine -- without seeing the entry it is difficult to determine why is
>>> it
>>> doing what you say it is.  As a matter of principle, you must remember
>>> that
>>> there must be a corresponding "other-side" to your deposit entry.   While
>>> this may seem counter-intuitive, your deposit to your bank account needs
>>> to
>>> have a corresponding (and opposite) entry to another account.   The way I
>>> have mine is I have my bank account (account type BANK) and another
>>> account
>>> called Income-deposits (account type INCOME).  When I make a deposit to my
>>> bank account the "transfer account" (or other side of the entry) is to the
>>> income account.    You will notice that the deposit to a BANK type account
>>> will be on the "left side" (thus increasing the balance of the bank
>>> account)
>>> and the entry will be on the "right side" of the income-deposits account
>>> which will be income and thus increase the value of this account.
>>> So it is very much dependent upon how you have setup your accounts.
>>> Hope that makes sense.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: gnucash-user [ at]
>>> On Behalf Of Christine via gnucash-user
>>> Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2017 1:52 PM
>>> To: gnucash-user at
>>> Subject: Re: bank entries
>>> Whenever I post a deposit to the bank, it makes a withdrawal of the same
>>> amount and I cannot get it to just take the entry, can anyone help pls
>>> Christine
>>> ---
>>> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> gnucash-user mailing list
>>> gnucash-user at
>>> -----
>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 5
>>> Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2017 19:20:29 -0700 (MST)
>>> From: DaveC49 <davidcousens at>
>>> To: gnucash-user at
>>> Subject: Re: bank entries
>>> Message-ID: < at>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>> Christine,
>>> Gnucash is a double entry accounting system.  What this means is that any
>>> transaction affects at least two accounts. For example when you purchase
>>> something your bank account is credited by the amount of the purchase any
>>> purchase is also an expense so an expense account has to be debited by the
>>> amount of the purchase in the second component of the transaction. These
>>> two
>>> components of the one transactions are referred to in Gnucash as "splits".
>>> The same methodology is applied to any other sort of transaction, it will
>>> always consist of at least two components ( and sometimes more) affecting
>>> at
>>> least two accounts. In any single transaction the sum of the debit and the
>>> sum of the credit components of the splits of that transaction must be
>>> equal
>>> The Gnucash Tutorial and Concepts guide
>>> ( along with the
>>> Wikipedia articles on double entry bookkeeping
>>> ( will give
>>> you
>>> some background information. Gnucash follows what is called the Accounting
>>> Equation or American approach in this article. The article on the
>>> Accounting
>>> equation ( also provides
>>> some useful background.
>>> That said, it is possible when you are entering a transaction and create
>>> the
>>> deposit split to your bank account (this will be a debit to that account
>>> if
>>> you use the accounting terms) what you are seeing is the other
>>> component/split of the transaction being automatically created. If you
>>> have
>>> not yet created  appropriate income accounts, it may be assigning your
>>> bank
>>> account as the default account for this second split which will be  a
>>> credit. If you click in the account field in the second split, you should
>>> be
>>> able to select a different account from your chart of accounts.
>>> For a deposit to your bank account, the account for the second split would
>>> normally be an income account for money coming from an external source or
>>> another asset account if you are transferring money between accounts ofr
>>> example.
>>> David
>>> -----
>>> David Cousens
>>> --
>>> Sent from:
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 6
>>> Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 02:33:50 -0000
>>> From: "Christine " <cmaloney4 at>
>>> To: "'DaveC49'" <davidcousens at>,     <gnucash-user at>
>>> Subject: RE: bank entries
>>> Message-ID: <008601d36728$29bcace0$7d3606a0$@net>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"
>>> Hi Dave
>>> My accounts are Cash, Bank, Income, various expenses, and 2 people who I
>>> pay
>>> money too and who pay to the bank.
>>> IF I balance one of the accounts another goes wrong. All I want to do is
>>> add
>>> my bank and my cash and let gnucash do the rest (ie an income and
>>> expenditure report) but it is not working. Reading the literature I just
>>> get
>>> confused as I am used to DR and CR.
>>> Thanks anyway maybe I should look for an easier program if anyone knows of
>>> one
>>> Christine
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: gnucash-user
>>> [ at] On Behalf
>>> Of DaveC49
>>> Sent: 27 November 2017 02:20
>>> To: gnucash-user at
>>> Subject: Re: bank entries
>>> Christine,
>>> Gnucash is a double entry accounting system.  What this means is that any
>>> transaction affects at least two accounts. For example when you purchase
>>> something your bank account is credited by the amount of the purchase any
>>> purchase is also an expense so an expense account has to be debited by the
>>> amount of the purchase in the second component of the transaction. These
>>> two
>>> components of the one transactions are referred to in Gnucash as "splits".
>>> The same methodology is applied to any other sort of transaction, it will
>>> always consist of at least two components ( and sometimes more) affecting
>>> at
>>> least two accounts. In any single transaction the sum of the debit and the
>>> sum of the credit components of the splits of that transaction must be
>>> equal
>>> The Gnucash Tutorial and Concepts guide
>>> ( along with the
>>> Wikipedia articles on double entry bookkeeping
>>> ( will give
>>> you
>>> some background information. Gnucash follows what is called the Accounting
>>> Equation or American approach in this article. The article on the
>>> Accounting
>>> equation ( also provides
>>> some useful background.
>>> That said, it is possible when you are entering a transaction and create
>>> the
>>> deposit split to your bank account (this will be a debit to that account
>>> if
>>> you use the accounting terms) what you are seeing is the other
>>> component/split of the transaction being automatically created. If you
>>> have
>>> not yet created  appropriate income accounts, it may be assigning your
>>> bank
>>> account as the default account for this second split which will be  a
>>> credit. If you click in the account field in the second split, you should
>>> be
>>> able to select a different account from your chart of accounts.
>>> For a deposit to your bank account, the account for the second split would
>>> normally be an income account for money coming from an external source or
>>> another asset account if you are transferring money between accounts ofr
>>> example.
>>> David
>>> -----
>>> David Cousens
>>> --
>>> Sent from:
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> gnucash-user mailing list
>>> gnucash-user at
>>> -----
>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>>> ---
>>> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 7
>>> Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2017 22:49:24 -0800
>>> From: David Carlson <david.carlson.417 at>
>>> To: Christine <cmaloney4 at>
>>> Cc: DaveC49 <davidcousens at>,  "gnucash-user at"
>>>          <gnucash-user at>
>>> Subject: Re: bank entries
>>> Message-ID:
>>> <CADYgSbmy8N2c9Xhe70MFqjHKfNiTZp_8TZBKcUikOCdP35bODg at>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
>>> Christine,
>>> If you receive income you might deposit it into the bank.  If you spend
>>> money for groceries, you use cash.  If you withdraw money from the bank
>>> you
>>> transfer from bank to cash.
>>> That is what double entry is about.
>>> David C,
>>> On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 6:33 PM, Christine via gnucash-user <
>>> gnucash-user at> wrote:
>>>> Hi Dave
>>>> My accounts are Cash, Bank, Income, various expenses, and 2 people who I
>>>> pay
>>>> money too and who pay to the bank.
>>>> IF I balance one of the accounts another goes wrong. All I want to do is
>>>> add
>>>> my bank and my cash and let gnucash do the rest (ie an income and
>>>> expenditure report) but it is not working. Reading the literature I just
>>>> get
>>>> confused as I am used to DR and CR.
>>>> Thanks anyway maybe I should look for an easier program if anyone knows
>>>> of
>>>> one
>>>> Christine
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: gnucash-user
>>>> [ at] On
>>>> Behalf
>>>> Of DaveC49
>>>> Sent: 27 November 2017 02:20
>>>> To: gnucash-user at
>>>> Subject: Re: bank entries
>>>> Christine,
>>>> Gnucash is a double entry accounting system.  What this means is that any
>>>> transaction affects at least two accounts. For example when you purchase
>>>> something your bank account is credited by the amount of the purchase any
>>>> purchase is also an expense so an expense account has to be debited by
>>>> the
>>>> amount of the purchase in the second component of the transaction. These
>>>> two
>>>> components of the one transactions are referred to in Gnucash as
>>>> "splits".
>>>> The same methodology is applied to any other sort of transaction, it will
>>>> always consist of at least two components ( and sometimes more) affecting
>>>> at
>>>> least two accounts. In any single transaction the sum of the debit and
>>>> the
>>>> sum of the credit components of the splits of that transaction must be
>>>> equal
>>>> The Gnucash Tutorial and Concepts guide
>>>> ( along with the
>>>> Wikipedia articles on double entry bookkeeping
>>>> ( will give
>>>> you
>>>> some background information. Gnucash follows what is called the
>>>> Accounting
>>>> Equation or American approach in this article. The article on the
>>>> Accounting
>>>> equation ( also
>>>> provides
>>>> some useful background.
>>>> That said, it is possible when you are entering a transaction and create
>>>> the
>>>> deposit split to your bank account (this will be a debit to that account
>>>> if
>>>> you use the accounting terms) what you are seeing is the other
>>>> component/split of the transaction being automatically created. If you
>>>> have
>>>> not yet created  appropriate income accounts, it may be assigning your
>>>> bank
>>>> account as the default account for this second split which will be  a
>>>> credit. If you click in the account field in the second split, you should
>>>> be
>>>> able to select a different account from your chart of accounts.
>>>> For a deposit to your bank account, the account for the second split
>>>> would
>>>> normally be an income account for money coming from an external source or
>>>> another asset account if you are transferring money between accounts ofr
>>>> example.
>>>> David
>>>> -----
>>>> David Cousens
>>>> --
>>>> Sent from:
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> gnucash-user mailing list
>>>> gnucash-user at
>>>> -----
>>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>>>> ---
>>>> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> gnucash-user mailing list
>>>> gnucash-user at
>>>> -----
>>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 8
>>> Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 08:27:01 +0000
>>> From: "Maf. King" <maf at>
>>> To: Christine <cmaloney4 at>
>>> Cc: gnucash-user at
>>> Subject: Re: bank entries
>>> Message-ID: <4887569.lTmUt3ZDRC at janus>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
>>> On Monday, 27 November 2017 02:33:50 GMT Christine via gnucash-user wrote:
>>>> Reading the literature I just get
>>>> confused as I am used to DR and CR.
>>>> Christine
>>> Hi Christine,
>>> if you are used to the terminology of DR and CR to describe the sides of a
>>> transaction, then perhaps you would be helped by enabling "use formal
>>> accounting labels" in the preferences of GC.  This will put Debit & Credit
>>> as
>>> the column headings in the account registers, rather than the more
>>> descriptive
>>> (but variable) headings such as "withdrawal" etc.
>>> Edit Menu -> Preferences -> Accounts Tab.
>>> HTH,
>>> Maf.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 9
>>> Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 22:24:07 +0800
>>> From: Ian McAllister <purchase at>
>>> To: gnucash-user at
>>> Subject: recover GNUcash data after windows crash
>>> Message-ID: <37f26e9f-5e93-0b85-7fb2-51c537b8aa8c at>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>>> Hi, I think I sent my earlier message to the wrong address.
>>> My motherboard crashed and I needed a new one and re-installed Windows.
>>> Fortunately I had a backup of my main folders.
>>> I copied the GNUcash folder across from the backup then re-installed
>>> over the top of it, in the hope that I would then have all my data files
>>> included, but it didn't work that way.
>>> So I found \Users\myusernam\.gnucash\books which contained my old files
>>> AccountsBusiness.gnucash.gcm
>>> Personal.gnucash.gcm
>>> I copied these and ran the program, which identified the two files. I
>>> highlighted and clicked each in turn, and was told both times
>>> No suitable backend was found for
>>> file://C:\Users\#######\.gnucash\books\AccountsBusiness.gnucash.gcm.
>>> How can I get back my books?
>>> Ian McAllister
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 10
>>> Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 19:32:14 +0500
>>> From: "David T." <sunfish62 at>
>>> To: helpian at
>>> Cc: gnucash-user at
>>> Subject: Re: recover GNUcash data after windows crash
>>> Message-ID: <55FA98AE-3C9F-4AD4-A42E-793685A7C991 at>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>>> Ian,
>>> Gcm files are not your data files. They are metadata files. Similarly, the
>>> ?.gnucash? folder is the system folder that holds this metadata. Your data
>>> files (AccontsBusiness.gnucash and Personal.gnucash) are somewhere else on
>>> your backup. Put those on your new machine (not in the ?.gnucash foldr?,
>>> BTW), and you?ll have your data.
>>> HTH,
>>> David
>>>> On Nov 27, 2017, at 7:24 PM, Ian McAllister <purchase at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi, I think I sent my earlier message to the wrong address.
>>>> My motherboard crashed and I needed a new one and re-installed Windows.
>>>> Fortunately I had a backup of my main folders.
>>>> I copied the GNUcash folder across from the backup then re-installed over
>>>> the top of it, in the hope that I would then have all my data files
>>>> included, but it didn't work that way.
>>>> So I found \Users\myusernam\.gnucash\books which contained my old files
>>>> AccountsBusiness.gnucash.gcm
>>>> Personal.gnucash.gcm
>>>> I copied these and ran the program, which identified the two files. I
>>>> highlighted and clicked each in turn, and was told both times
>>>> No suitable backend was found for
>>>> file://C:\Users\#######\.gnucash\books\AccountsBusiness.gnucash.gcm.
>>>> How can I get back my books?
>>>> Ian McAllister
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> gnucash-user mailing list
>>>> gnucash-user at
>>>> -----
>>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Subject: Digest Footer
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> gnucash-user mailing list
>>> gnucash-user at
>>> ------------------------------
>>> End of gnucash-user Digest, Vol 176, Issue 55
>>> *********************************************
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>> gnucash-user at
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>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2017 02:23:54 -0700 (MST)
> From: Alexis Lucena <alexislucena65 at>
> To: gnucash-user at
> Subject: Re: Gncash 2.6.17 crash on Mac Os High Sierra 10.13.Beta
> Message-ID: < at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>   The simplest solution until the next release is to copy
> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib into You might
> want to move the existing one aside first just to be safe.
> How can i do that
> --
> Sent from:
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2017 11:32:09 +0100
> From: Christoph R <subscriptions+listen at>
> To: Alexis Lucena <alexislucena65 at>
> Cc: gnucash-user at
> Subject: Re: Gncash 2.6.17 crash on Mac Os High Sierra 10.13.Beta
> Message-ID: <8261FE47-50DF-46E0-9844-F7FAB9F4527C at>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset=us-ascii
> Use the current release (2.6.18). It is out there
> Cheers,
> Christoph
>> Am 28.11.2017 um 10:23 schrieb Alexis Lucena <alexislucena65 at>:
>> The simplest solution until the next release is to copy
>> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib into You might
>> want to move the existing one aside first just to be safe.
>> How can i do that
>> --
>> Sent from:
>> _______________________________________________
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> gnucash-user at
>> -----
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
> _______________________________________________
> gnucash-user mailing list
> gnucash-user at
> ------------------------------
> End of gnucash-user Digest, Vol 176, Issue 57
> *********************************************

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