command line QIF import

Ken Pyzik pyz01 at
Sun Oct 15 17:05:39 EDT 2017

Nelson -- do you really need (want) 20 years of data?  I recently
transferred from Quicken to GnuCash because of the new goofy subscription
model -- and I have about 11 years of data.  Upon doing the import first
with all the data -- it was too complicated to try and get it right -- since
-- I had not categorized all the data in Quicken to begin with.  After
careful reflection and inspection of the source data in Quicken -- I was
able to determine that I really did not need all the data and cut down to 6
years of data. 

Then, once I imported, I was able to delete a couple more years and was able
to get everything in sync and balanced.  It took a few days -- but I think
you can do it.  Additionally, if you get "good" balances on most of the
accounts, search the 'imbalance" account for those transactions that are not
in balance.  At the end of the process - it does work.   Best of luck. 

-----Original Message-----
From: gnucash-user [ at]
On Behalf Of Nelson
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2017 1:50 PM
To: gnucash-user at
Subject: Re: command line QIF import

Thank you for your answer David.

I am aware that QIF is a text file and I can open it in text editor. 

I have a 235000 lines QIF file created by quicken. Most of the transactions
are being imported properly but there are thousands failing as well. I have
no way to identify those failed transactions other than going line by line
in each account. What shall I "edit in quicken first" to insure a successful

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