Account report error for transactions the last 30 days

David Carlson david.carlson.417 at
Mon Oct 23 15:50:46 EDT 2017


A running balance is defined on the premise that amounts are in only one
account sorted in chronological order.

Your find criteria cross accounts and may not necessarily be in
chronological order, so it would be purely coincidental if the numbers
matched a transaction report on some selected accounts.

While a running balance could be defined as calculated per view instead of
per account,  GnuCash doesn't work that way.

As the developers sometimes say, patches are welcome.

David C

On Oct 23, 2017 1:05 PM, "Tom" <tblackley at> wrote:

OK, guess I wasn't clear (my bad) the "find" action is am invoking is
from the account hierarchy not from within a register. No account
registers are open and only showing the account tab.

I fail to understand why the total credits/debits at the bottom of the
report are NOT equal when the search criteria is for a single
description and a single expense account.  The search results may
contain splits for more than one asset account (credits) and will show
splits for only the expense account gas (all debits).

The debit/credit splits all appear correct, it is the totals and running
balance which are strange. Usually the debit total is correct and credit
total will be equal to only the latest entry(s).

On 10/23/2017 02:38 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:
> Op maandag 23 oktober 2017 05:08:37 CEST schreef Christopher Lam:
>> Edit > Find and CTRL+F are the same. The resulting search results
>> does not, in my view, produce very useful running balances.
> I'll add that Edit > Find behaves slightly differently when invoked from
> Account hierarchy or from an account register.
> The difference between the two is that when invoked from the Account
> hierarchy, the search will be on all the splits in all accounts, while
> invoked on an account register, the search will only run on the splits in
> account.
> Perhaps this has an effect on the balances you see  (not tested myself) ?
> Geert

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