Could not obtain the lock

Alain Dormoy cageda at
Sat Sep 2 05:40:28 EDT 2017

De : "Colin Law" <clanlaw at>
Date : vendredi 1 septembre 2017 13:12
À : "Alain Dormoy" <cageda at>
Cc : <gnucash-user at>
Objet : Re: Could not obtain the lock

> On 1 September 2017 at 11:51, Alain Dormoy <cageda at> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> More often than not, when I launch GnuCash, I get the message:
>> Gnucash could not obtain the lock for file:\.......\filename.gnucash
>> I click "Open anyway" and it works normally. So I can't say I really care
>> but it's a bit puzzling.
>> Anyone has an explanation and can I do something to change that?
> That normally happens when GC has not been closed down correctly. How
> are you closing it?
> Also which operating system are you using and which version GC?
> Colin

I'm using Windows 7.
I normally close GC before turning my computer off. But I hardly turn it off 
more than once a week and the "incident" I'm refering to happens most every 


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