What does your Summary Bar say in Gnucash-3.0? Mine is rude

lj lj308 at pobox.com
Thu Apr 5 16:50:12 EDT 2018

Geert Janssens wrote:
> I'm running Fedora 27. Can't reproduce either. I see the full text.

OK, thanks. So nobody else sees this, on Linux either.

Could it be the Gtk+3 version? I'm using Gtk+3 3.18.9 on Slackware 14.2. I 
also have access to Xubuntu 16.04.04 LTS and it seems to also have gtk-3 3.18.9.

Just to see what would happen, I changed window-main-summarybar.c, function 
gnc_main_window_summary_new(), the call to gtk_cell_renderer_set_fixed_size, 
the width parameter from 50 to 80. Then I see "Net Assets:", and "Profits:" in 
the summary bar, but the numbers are still missing or cut off. So there's 
something going on here, but I have no idea what, or why only I have this problem.

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