[GNC] Additional filter option (by number) for Transaction report

Amish anon.amish at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 08:16:58 EDT 2018

Not sending a new email for a similar feature.

Is there a way to have a Negative filter.

Like Memo *not* containing word "Credit Note"


On Tuesday 10 April 2018 04:02 PM, C Whistler wrote:
> Dear community,
> I have started using Gnucash recently and would like to use the existing
> transaction report to filter out specific transactions.
> Though currently I cannot find the option to filter transaction by number.
> I am guessing the easiest way would be to modify the exiting
> Transaction.scm. If someone could kindly give me a hand for the code to
> add/modify please it will be much appreciated.
> (I have some experience in scripting and am starting to pick up scheme now.)
> Best regards,
> Whistler
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