[GNC] Addition of Mailing List Subject Prefix

D sunfish62 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 10 22:11:43 EDT 2018


I am fully aware of the limitations of self-selected surveys and their validity of gauging sentiment. I was not intending to submit my research to any peer reviewed journals.
I *will* note that the replies to my own non-scientific survey continue to trend at about three to one against, which, while not necessarily statistically valid, nevertheless tends to indicate an overall negative view of the decision.

I am more concerned that these changes were implemented at the urging of (at the time) a grand total of TWO individual requests, all without any request for feedback from the rest of the readership. And now, when it has been raised as an issue, I'm not hearing any indication of a reversal.

So, if I suggest that the list prefix should use emojis instead (like, say, [👻👀]), and someone (perversely) agrees with that, will that get implemented? It is distinctive, and one third shorter than "GNC", after all.

David T.

On April 11, 2018, at 1:20 AM, listreader <suselist at cableone.net> wrote:

On Tue, 10 Apr 2018 22:00:33 +0500
"David T. via gnucash-user" <gnucash-user at gnucash.org> wrote:

> I have tallied up the responses regarding subject prefixes thus far,
> and it appears that 7 people are in favor of this change.
> In contrast, 20 people (including three of the development team) have
> expressed negative opinions regarding this addition. [In the interest
> of objectivity, I am one of this group.]
> It is unclear to me why such a change would be implemented based on
> the opinions of two readers (the total number of positive replies
> prior to implementation), and then not reverted when nearly three
> times the number of readers expressed their objectons to it.

Your tally probably doesn't mean what you think it means.  In my
experience, far more people are likely to complain about 'changes'
they don't like than are people who approve or are neutral about the
same 'changes'. Like on a ratio of 10 to 1 or greater.

I subscribe to around 20 very busy mailing lists, all intentionally
sent to the same mailbox folder so as not to interfere with all my
other more urgent business and personal mailbox folders, and all but
GnuCash have always used a subject prefix. (including one which uses the
useless/annoying '[Users]' as its prefix but that is another story).
The prefix is EXTREMELY useful to me. So add me to the 'approve' side
of your tally.


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