[GNC] Convincing my credit union to support online importing

Jeff Albrecht jeffa at rodaw.com
Thu Apr 19 10:55:52 EDT 2018

Here in Arizona, USA Tuesday I attend the annual meeting of my credit 
union. I met with the Senior VP / Chief Information officer. We spoke 
about Quicken and it's rapid price hikes and move to subscription model. 
I told him a bit about GnuCash and that I had just converted to GnuCash 
and had imported a decade of Quicken data. I gave him some old school 
paper with some resources and my contact info. I asked if it would be 
possible to support online banking to support GnuCash. They do have a 
.OFX export. Yesterday he emailed to me;

        "... Intuit has ratcheted up their pricing model for several
        years and good to know there are viable options in the
        marketplace. We have connected with the team here at _______ and
        will look into GNUCash over the next few business days.  Can I
        get back with you by Friday, April 27^th ? My contact
        information is listed below.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out
        with additional ideas or questions."

They seem genuinely interested. I would like to gather up information 
that may be valuable to the credit union in researching and deciding to 
support it, and perhaps links to implementation resources.

Does anyone have links etc. I might want to read and share with my 
Credit Union? Beyond

  * "Setting up OFXDirectConnect in GnuCash 2"
  * "AqBanking" https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/AqBanking

I'm also looking for

  * Press
      o public looking for their banks to support it
      o banks that have implemented
          + Success stories
  * Technical
      o Resources
  * ???

Has anyone on the list worked with a bank to convince and/or implement 
support for online connections?

Thanks, - Jeff

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