[GNC] Toolbar ignoring gtk-toolbar-style setting in Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic)

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Fri Apr 20 09:49:37 EDT 2018

Op vrijdag 20 april 2018 14:39:19 CEST schreef Jonathan Kamens:
> I am puzzled by your response for four reasons:
> 1. Ubuntu 18.04 is using GnuCash 2.6.17, not GnuCash 3, and 2.6.17 is
> still using Gtk+2.
> 2. I observe the same behavior in the toolbar of the Gtk 2 demo
> application. It is not unique to GnuCash.
> 3. When I SSH into my Ubuntu 18.04 box and run GnuCash over the X
> connection forwarded through SSH, the toolbar displays as expected (with
> both icons and labels). It is only when it is displayed on the Ubuntu
> 18.04 local display that it's using both+horiz mode even though my
> settings say that it should use both mode.
Right! For 2.x this should still work and it's mostly a matter of configuring 
it properly.

One way to do so would be to create a file named .gtkrc-2.0 in your home 
directory or a gtkrc-2.0 file in $HOME/.config and add the following line:

> 4. It does not appear to be true that Gtk+3 does not support toggling
> the toolbar's display mode. If you bring up GtkInspector on GnuCash 3.0
> and change the "toolbar-style" property on the GtkToolbar object, the
> display mode of the toolbar will change dynamically, just as it does in
> Gtk+2 (or at least did for me before I upgraded to Ubuntu 18.10).
I never said the display mode is not configurable. What I said is that gtk has 
removed the facility of doing it as a user. It leaves this up to the 
application developer now to decide how to best handle this. We only 
understood this when gnucash 3.0 had already been released.

The change that removes the user choice was introduced with gtk 3.10.

And yes, via the GtkInspector you can still tweak this (until you restart 
gnucash) because that's essentially using the same technique a developer could 
tweak it. But this is not persisted across gnucash restarts as far as I know.

> P.S. Speaking of both+horiz, why do only three of the buttons -- Save,
> Close, and Split -- have text labels when both+horiz mode is used for
> the toolbar?

That is how gtk works:
The three buttons you mention are set imporant, hence they will have labels 
when both+horiz mode used. The others won't.
>    Jonathan Kamens
> On 4/20/18 1:58 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> > There is a thread on the dev list about this a week or so ago. It has to
> > do with Gnucash’s switch to Gtk+3. It will be possible to get the labels
> > back, but they have to be coded in and you won’t get the option to toggle
> > them. (Gtk removed this option)
> > 
> > I’m not sure if work is being done to add the labels or what priority it
> > has. I thought there was already a bug filed, but perhaps not.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
> > 
> >> I upgraded this morning from Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful) to 18.04 (Bionic).
> >> 
> >> After doing so, my toolbar buttons in GnuCash are no longer large with
> >> text below them, as they were in 17.04.
> >> 
> >> I like the large buttons with text, primarily because the graphical
> >> icons in GnuCash are completely incomprehensible to me.
> >> 
> >> I can't figure out why my customization of this setting has suddenly
> >> stopped working in Bionic.
> >> 
> >> I filed a Launchpad bug about this with additional details:
> >> 
> >> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/1765401
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Does anybody have any insight?
> >> 
> >> Thanks,
> >> 
> >> Jonathan Kamens
> > 
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