[GNC] splits 3+ accounts, how to

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Fri Apr 20 11:58:55 EDT 2018

On Fri, 20 Apr 2018, Adrien Monteleone wrote:

> You may find it helpful to use a different register view than the default
> if you are regularly dealing with multiple splits in transactions.

   Perhaps I can provide an example that helps.

   When I pay my mortgage each month I assign the total payment to 3
debit acounts accessed using the Split menu function.

   The standard three debits (increases) are: Expense -> Mortgage interest,
Expense -> Mortgage escrow, and Liability -> Mortgage principal.

   The total of these three amounts are offset by their total in the credit
(decrease) to my checking account.



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