[GNC] Compile of 3.2 fails

Michael mjchurchil at aol.com
Sat Aug 4 12:21:54 EDT 2018

Geert, Thanks for the reply.  type gnucash gives /usr/local/bin/gnucash, 
but that seems to be an old 2.6.21 install that no longer works.  There 
is a working 2.6.21 in a $HOME/build-folder, but it doesn't show up.

I cleared the guile ccache with no improvement.

Looks like I should think about this some more and probably do a fresh 
install of Mint.  For now I can use 2.6.21.  Thanks, Mike

On 08/04/2018 08:40 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:
> The symbol gnc-build-userdata-path is defined in libgnc-core-utils.so or it
> should be. It is a new symbol for gnucash 3.x.
> Is the install of gnucash 2.6 installed in /usr or /usr/local ? Then your
> build may be picking up the wrong libgnc-core-utils.so.
> What do you get when you enter
> type gnucash
> on a terminal ?
> Do you have amended the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable for your user
> account (or systemwide) ?
> Another thing to try is to clear guile's local build cache in
> $HOME/.cache/guile/ccache
> There may still be precompiled files in there from a previous build though
> it's less likely this matters here.
> Geert
> GeertOp vrijdag 3 augustus 2018 23:36:17 CEST schreef Michael:
>> Geert, You may be right.  Over a few years, I have built or installed
>> several 2.6.x versions, including 2.6.21 which is still on the machine.
>> It may be that I am looking at a clean install. I don't know how I would
>> get rid of all the old installs and associated files.  A more complete
>> log file is attached.  Mike
>> On 08/03/2018 06:50 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:
>>> Op vrijdag 3 augustus 2018 01:15:31 CEST schreef Michael via gnucash-user:
>>>> I am trying to build gnucash-3.2 on Linux Mint just upgraded to 19.
>>>> cmake was successful.  make fails at about 30%.  Generating
>>>> ../../lib/gnucash/scm/ccache/2.0/gnucash/core-utils.go.  recipe for
>>>> target failed.
>>>> I thought I had it made when cmake worked.  Any ideas?  Mike
>>> Unfortunately you have only included the very last line of the build
>>> error.
>>> The more useful details are in the lines above.
>>> My first guess would be that you still have gnucash 2.6.x installed on
>>> your
>>> system. During build gnucash will try to link against other built files.
>>> However if these files are also present from an installed gnucash it looks
>>> like these are found first. And in this case that could fail.
>>> Can you uninstall gnucash 2.6.x and restart the build ?
>>> Geert

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