[GNC] Help with Reports Please!

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Sun Aug 12 12:34:40 EDT 2018


I could be misunderstanding, but the report you seem to describe sounds more to me like an Income Statement. (Reports > Income & Expense > Income Statement - same as Profit & Loss)

Does it look something like what is in this PDF? https://wia.unl.edu/Quicken%20Cash%20Flow%20Report.pdf or here? https://www.quicken.com/how-project-balances-and-cash-flow

While that report is called ‘Cash Flow’ in Quicken and uses the terms ‘inflows’ and ‘outflows’ looking at how it is organized and what accounts it shows, that really is more like an income statement. 

An income statement will show the totals of each of your income accounts with an income total for the report period, followed by the totals of each of your expense accounts, followed by an expense total for the period and a difference line. (net profit/loss)

You choose how deep you want the sub-accounts to appear (from none to ALL) And you can choose to roll sub-accounts into parent totals if desired. (usually works well, but if you have transactions in the parent accounts, the subs won’t add up to the parent of course)

You choose the period, monthly, quarterly, annually if you like. (or any date range)

Unfortunately there is not presently a clean solution to see multiple periods on one report. You can use the multi-column report for this and have multiple income statements, one for each period. But it will repeat the account names, not just the amounts. There is a proper multi-period statement being worked on for a future release. Until then, you can also run the reports individually, (or using multi-column) and then copy/paste to or save/open in a spreadsheet that you can then manipulate to display how you want.

The GnuCash Cash Flow Report is different. It will show you the movement of money between accounts. So a refund of an expense would appear as an inflow to your assets, perhaps not what you’re looking for.


> On Aug 11, 2018, at 1:22 PM, Diane Forrest <dforrest321 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello out there:  1) Am a former user of Quicken, finally "moved"  to try a
> new system.  2)  I have spent a huge amount of time getting acclimated to
> double-entry, importing QIF data, etc.  I finally feel like I get the
> system, even like the system, after ignoring my community for more than a
> week of vacation. 2) Am using what purports to be the recent, updated
> version:   *Version: 3.2  Build ID: 3.2+ (2018-06-24)  *
> 3) MY ISSUE:   Imagine my (gulp) extreme disappointment to find that *after
> all that effort* ... cleaning up & entering about 7 months of Income,
> Expense, Liability, Asset Data... but for the life of me, I can't seem to
> get anything even close to a Quicken style cashflow report. What I used to
> do was print *monthly, numerical, income/expense reports*.  All those
> transactions nicely summed under all my expense subaccounts.... I could
> really tell what was going on.  I do not use (or even like) piecharts,
> scatterplots, or tables of little color bars.  I do not want Grand Account
> Totals (Jan to June), I want a table by month, for each Account, with it's
> sub-account "children" below it.
> 4) I really have studied various GNUcash documentation,  manuals, looked at
> a few videos,  searched on line.  I think I'm smart enough, been patient
> enough, I'm really working hard... but to what end?  What on earth is the
> deal?  What am I missing here?  Is it the version I'm using, and if so, can
> someone tell me what to do, please.  Thx in advance,   DF
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