[GNC] Reconciliation being undone without warning

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Thu Aug 16 03:49:31 EDT 2018

Op maandag 13 augustus 2018 11:01:58 CEST schreef Anthony Marrian:
> I see. So, it only affects the NUM field. Wouldn't it be more sensible to
> put up the warning, but allow the user to edit without the transaction
> becoming unreconciled?

No. Reconciliation is a formal process which is done to ensure the data in 
your books match the data on the document you are reconciling with. So after 
reconciliation none of the data verified should be altered. If it does it 
breaks reconciliation for which you get a warning. So you either accept this 
and break the reconciliation or you choose not to make the change keeping 
things reconciled.

> I don't use that field for cheque numbers. I use it
> for voucher numbers. Often vouchers come to light long after the
> reconciliation, so I enter their numbers then.

There is also a notes field related to each transaction that may serve this 
purpose better. It's specifically added to enter additional information and 
hence is not protected by reconciliation. To see it you have to change the 
register's view mode to "Double Line".

> As it happens, I want to
> move away from storing paper and use the Associate File With Transaction
> routine instead. However, that's currently not a possibility because the
> path set in preferences is ignored (defaults to Recent), so the time
> involved having to re-select the correct folder each time is prohibitive.

This is a valid remark which could be improved. Can you create an enhancement 
request for this in Bugzilla [1] ?



[1] Refer to http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Bugzilla for information on how to 
use our bug tracker

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