[GNC] Disconnect between balance on client list and account statement

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Thu Aug 16 05:14:43 EDT 2018

Op woensdag 15 augustus 2018 05:40:30 CEST schreef Roger Oliver:
> Adrien,
> A challenge here is that the GnuCash I am using is in Spanish, that is the
> accounting terms and reports and in Spanish so I’m guessing at what the
> names are in English. I couldn’t figure out which report was the aging
> report because of that. The best I can guess is the following:
These can be looked up in the GnuCash translations file for the Spanish 
language here:
> Previsión de Clientes = Customer overview
This is "Customers Overview" indeed.

> Estado de cliente = Customer Report

"Customer Report" appears to be translated as "Boletín de Cliente", not 
"Estado de cliente". In fact I don't find the reverse translation of "Estado 
de cliente" at all. Aside from the above "Customer Report" there is also 
"Customer Summary" which translates as "Resumen Cliente".
> Calendario de cobros pendientes = Receivable aging

"Receivable Aging" = "Calendario de Recibes Pendientes".

Again I don't find "Calendario de cobros pendientes" in gnucash.



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