[GNC] Process Payment and convenience fees

Justin H Haynes justin at justinhaynes.com
Sun Aug 26 13:16:25 EDT 2018

I have two invoices to pay to a utility company.  Let’s say the amounts of the invoices are $200 and $300 for a total of $500.  I have paid $600, so the payment correctly is applied to those two invoices, and $100 to the Accounts Payable account.  I can see the three transactions in Account payable.  Actually 3 splits - 1 for each of the amounts of the 2 invoices, and 1 for the remainder, then on the other side of the transaction the $600 from Liabilities:Credit Card.

However, there was a convenience fee charged by the payment processor for the city utilities.  So, the amount charged to my credit card was $603.49. 

Will the best way to deal with this be to edit the split from the Liabilities:Credit Card register to add a split for 3.49 to Expenses:Fees?



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