One account for both Income and Expenses possible?

Norbert Klein nhklein at
Sat Feb 10 23:22:43 EST 2018

I am a complete newcomer to GNUcash, using version 2.6.19 on Windows 10.

My name is Norbert, living in the countryside in Cambodia.

This is my first posting.

Apologies for my very simple question. I would appreciate to get help.

I live on a farm – we produce, sell, and buy vegetables, fruits, and 

When I set up a GNUcash system it created an Expense and an Income 
section, and under them I created specific accounts and sub-accounts.

When I now enter something like “Selling vegetables” I can enter the 
price under “Charge/Income” into Income. - When I enter something like 
“Buying vegetables” I can enter the income under “Expense/Rebate” into 
Expenses (and as a double-entry to Cash, increasing or decreasing).

The same for fruits, and for handicrafts.

But could I instead set up an account “Vegetables” where I can enter 
both BOUGHT Vegetables and SOLD Vegetables? (same for fruits and 

When I tried to create such an account, I can select only ONE Account 
Type: Expense or Income.

Please kindly advise.


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